Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Iranian Intelligence Agent Convicted in Germany

Berlin, 20 Jul - An Iranian Intelligence Agent has been convicted in Germany of spying on Iranian Resistance members living abroad.
The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) has welcomed this conviction of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) agent and has urged foreign governments to prosecute and expel other regime spies.
The agent, Meysam Panahi, was spying on members of the NCRI and the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/ MEK). Despite posing as a refugee, Panahi had worked as a spy for three years and helped to recruit extra people to the Intelligence Agency, receiving 28,600 Euros from the MOIS in at least 30 payments.
The spies would then travel to Iran to receive espionage training with help from the Iranian embassies in Europe.

Germany’s prosecution said that Iran’s Intelligence Ministry created “secret networks” in the country to spy on and spread lies and half-truths to discredit the Iranian Resistance.

Lord Maginnis: A Striking Contrast to the Mullahs’ Iran

The major world power's nuclear deal with the mullahs' regime will not bring a moderate Iran, writes Lord Maginnis of Drumglass. He says to achieve that, Iran’s democracy activists need the international community's support.
In an article on Tuesday, July 19, for The Diplomat, Lord Maginnis wrote:
A full year has passed since the Iranian regime accepted a nuclear deal with the West which would boost the regime and allow economic sanctions against Tehran to be lifted. The reciprocal of that entailed an abandonment of the nuclear program and hopefully could be a precursor to moderation — a softer, gentler Iran. Now that year has passed with these hopes being far from reality. The sad lesson must surely be apparent — the only real opportunity for change must lie in giving tangible support to active and moderate Iranians like those who assembled in Paris last weekend.
#freeiran #iran #maryamrajavi