Tuesday, February 28, 2017

iran- Rise in Executions and Crackdown Against Iran’s Youth

News Blaze, February 26, 2017 - Executions and crackdown against Iran’s youth is increasingly on the rise. Many inmates in their 20’s and 30’s have been executed or killed during the past months, while hundreds have also been arrested or mistreated.
Dozens of prisoners have been hanged during the first two weeks of February, including a mass execution of 12 prisoners in Gohardasht Prison, west of Tehran, on Feb. 15. 13 inmates, including prisoners aged 29 and 30, were executed between Feb. 11-13 in the prisons of Qom, Zabol, Jiroft and Mashhad.
On Jan. 29, regime authorities publicly executed four prisoners in the cities of Bandar Abbas and Mashhad. These prisoners were all in their early to mid 20’s. Reports indicate 87 inmates were sent to the gallows in the month of January alone. Many of those executed never received due process and some were hanged while their cases were still open.

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Iran tests new versions of the Nasir, Dehlaviyeh missiles in naval exercises

Tehran, AFP, 27 February 2017 -  Iran’s navy has test-fired the latest versions of the Nasir and Dehlaviyeh missiles during military exercises in the Gulf, local media reported on Monday.

“The latest naval cruise missile called Nasir was test-fired during Velayat 95 naval manoeuvres in the southern waters of the country,” said Defence Minister Hossein Dehghan , according to the Fars news agency, adding that the missile had successfully hit its target.


IRAN FREEDOM, February 27, 2017 - During the past few weeks and following Iran’s January 29th ballistic missile test, tensions between Tehran and the West, and especially Washington, have escalated significantly.

Iran’s objective in the missile launch, a breach of United Nations Security Council resolutions and P5+1 agreements, was two-fold.
First, testing the West, and especially the United States, and evaluating possible reactions from the new Trump administration in the face of its saber-rattling.

IRAN- Ingrid Betancourt: Thank Albania

Albania, Feb. 27, 2017 - There are two reasons that Ingrid Betancourt, politician and activist for human rights brought in Tirana. To say thank you for the hospitality of our country to bring more than 2 thousand Iranian Mujahedin to this country, while others are expected to come, and to meet them, some of whom are her friends.

One of the most popular personalities in the world, aimed to be the first woman president in Colombia, but became the first woman who was kidnapped for six years by the Revolutionary Armed Forces, sees Albania with admiration in her engagement to house refugees.
Ingrid Betancourt, politicians and activists of human rights: I feel honored to be here. Governments and different political parties were the first who welcomed the Iranian refugees when they were being persecuted and were persecuted. Albania has become known internationally as an example for human rights.
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Friday, February 17, 2017

No more free passes for Iran

Feb. 16, 2017 - Shortly before convening a hearing about the future of the U.S.’s Iran policy, Chairman Ed Royce appeared on Fox News this morning to discuss Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani’s recent travel to Moscow in violation of U.N. sanctions.
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iran- Senator Torricelli Speaks Out Against Associated Press MEK Story

We've listened to what Mr. Torricelli said facts
Senator Robert Torricelli released a letter in response to the article written by Jon Gambrell on February 5, 2017.
 The senator, who served as the legal representative of the MEK in the U.S. State Department hearings, took umbrage with the use of the phrases “cult”, “terrorist group” and accusations which include “killing Americans” and members “lighting themselves on fire”.
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What permit the execution of minors in Iran

Stood up for human rights and human dignity Take Action
Do not allow the injustice stand
The mullahs execute our youth
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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Iran- The Slack Public Response to Revolution's 38th Anniversary 'Parade Show'

NCRI - According to reports, following the public slack response to the Bahman 22nd Parade Show (the anniversary of 1979 Revolution in Iran) in Tehran and other cities on February 10th 2017, the Iranian regime intended to bring the crowd at the event to various tricks. The following are some of the tricks played by the regime in different cities of Iran.
The Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance of Iran announced its employees via Twitter to gather at 10:45 AM in front of the entrance building of the Ministry for participating in Bahman 22nd Parade. The Administration Support and Welfare Services of the Ministry also announced via Twitter that 500 thousand Tomans (155$) has been deposited to the welfare bonus card of the employees.
The participation in the Parade was so insignificant in Kermanshah at 10.30 AM that the government officials commanded the taxis to spin around Azadi Sq. several times.

IRAN-Trump Issues Stern Warning to Iran Regime's President: 'He Better Be Careful'

BOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday that Iran President Hassan Rouhani "better be careful" after Rouhani was quoted as saying that anyone who speaks to Iranians with threats would regret it.
Trump was asked in a brief appearance in the press cabin aboard Air Force One about Rouhani's reported remarks to a rally in Tehran to celebrate the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution.

IRAN-Adding pressure to curb the Iranian regime

London, 11 Feb - The Iranian regime test-fired ballistic missiles at the end of January. Through this test-firing, Tehran was also testing President Trump – testing to see how far he could be pushed and how he would react to such a defiant reaction.
Tehran knew that during Obama’s time in office it could get away with anything. No matter what actions Tehran took, it could be safe in the knowledge that not a whisper of consequences would be actioned.
However, National Security Advisor Michael Flynn assured that the new administration will not be turning a blind eye. He stated that swift action would be taken for further violations.
A second missile launch was planned and the Iranian regime is still heavily involved with supporting international terrorism. This should be the indicator to the United States that Iran needs to be stopped immediately.

Many have suggested that the quickest and most effective way of doing this would be to designate its Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) a foreign terrorist organisation and to increase sanctions on it.