Saturday, January 27, 2018

iran- Security Council to see Iranian supplied missile parts, to lunch with Trump

The UN Security Council is heading to Washington on Monday for lunch with President Donald Trump and to see missile remnants the US says are proof that Iran is arming rebels in Yemen.
The US Mission announced Friday that Ambassador Nikki Haley has organized the trip, which will also include a visit to the Holocaust Museum with national security adviser H.R. McMaster.

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Religious Rule Fuels Unrest in Iran

The two-week protest movement that rocked cities across Iran earlier this year has largely subsided, but the fallout from the government's harsh response has just begun.
More than 3,700 people were arrested and 23 were killed in sometimes violent nationwide marches that started on Dec. 28, 2017, in response to an austerity budget proposed by President Hasan Rouhani.

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Trump, UN Security Council to meet Monday on Iran

The meeting, which will be Trump’s second working lunch with the Security Council, comes in the middle of a two-track effort in Congress and with European allies to address flaws that the Trump administration perceives in the nuclear deal negotiated by former President Barack Obama’s team. It’s one stop on a trip that Ambassador Nikki Haley arranged to highlight Iran’s role in conflicts around the Middle East.
Haley will lead the Security Council diplomats in an inspection of debris from a ballistic missile fired from Yemen into Saudi Arabia, according to the U.S. mission, as well as a tour of the Holocaust Museum’s exhibit on the war in Syria. U.S. officials declassified the wreckage to make the case that Iran is arming Houthi rebels in the Yemeni civil war.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Iran threatens US Navy to GET OUT of waters as WW3 ‘one step away’

 “The patrolling and reconnaissance planes flew over the coalition warships and warned them to leave the region”
Daily Star, Jan. 24, 2018 - Local military has claimed it threatened and chased off two US ships during a series of war drills in the Sea of Oman.
US military officials have confirmed they were in contact with Iranian forces, but still carried out their mission.
But the Iranian military has claimed the ships were warned they had to leave the drills zone.
He said: “This morning and in the first hour of the drills, two warships of the coalition which had approached the drills zone to monitor the Iranian Navy units were identified by the Navy drones.

iran- The regime of the dictatorship of the prisoners in the Evin Dungeons and ... tells the world a lie. Why????

Zarif says we do not have a prisoner in Iran, Boroujerdi says we have 18 prisoners, you see these and judge yourself.
Many in prisons are under torture and some have been martyred.
This once-liar regime says once killed because of drugs, once says it's worth it, once says it's stroke, but it's all a lie. Prisoners have been killed under torture, and the rest are in prisons.
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Maryam Rajavi at Press Conference in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe: Immediately Free Those Arrested in Iran Uprising

Maryam Rajavi at Press Conference in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe: Immediately Free Those Arrested in Iran Uprising: I have come here to call on Europe and the world to take urgent action for the release of thousands of young souls who have been arrested during the uprising. Dozens of protesters have been shot dead and 8,000 arrested. Every day we hear the news of a prisoner killed under torture. The ...
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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Will The Obama Admin. Ever Be Brought To Justice Over Its Iran Scandals?

Everybody in the world who lied to people and is unjust is always revealed  It is a law that no one can cover his real face for the people, will be revealed one day.
When the jaw-dropping details of the Obama administration’s alleged decision to spike Project Cassandra  emerged late last year—quashing a multi-agency investigation of a cars-for-cocaine terrorist financing scheme—it raised questions about just how far Team Obama was willing to go in appeasing Iran to pursue its nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.
Lending credence to Josh Meyer’s Politico exposé, the Iran deal echo chamber grew cacophonous,  characteristically chiding the author’s sources because of their supposed aversion to the deal itself, rather than grappling with the substance of the sources’ claims and the author’s corroborating research.

'We will no longer tolerate Iran ignoring the UN resolutions'; Nikki Haley

The clerical anti-Shia regime will not adhere to any law or principle .
January 23, 2018 - US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley said on Tuesday that the US will no longer tolerate Iran ignoring the UN resolutions. 
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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Iran warplanes bully two western vessels during drill

The Iranian regime understands only one language, the language of the invasion The weak clerical regime in Iran wants to cover its weakness with attacks and terrorist acts.
Iranian warplanes warned off two “coalition vessels” during military drill in waters off the country’s southeast, a senior naval officer said, in the latest confrontation between Iranian and western forces that patrol the Gulf.
The vessels approached the area of the drills early on Monday to monitor Iranian ships, said Rear Admiral Mahmoud Mousavi, spokesman for the drills, according to Tasnim news agency.
“Iranian drones identified the vessels, then Iranian planes flew over them and gave them a warning. 

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U.S. to send diplomatic team to Europe to discuss Iran

The United States plans to send a diplomatic team to Europe to discuss the Iran nuclear deal and countering Iranian activities in the Middle East, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Monday according to a U.S. pool reporter.
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iran- Deprived Iranian villagers clashed with regime forces in Ahwaz; protest rallies continue in various cities

The uprising continues and the Iranian people show their forms in various forms، The protests will continue because the Iranian people do not want the dictator regime.
On Sunday, January 21, the protest of deprived people continued in various cities of the country:
1. The deprived villagers of the Ismailieh district of Ahwaz gathered for the second day demanding to work on their farmland, seized by the mullahs’ regime. The police and intelligence agents besieged and attacked the protesters, which led to clashes, and a number of protesters were injured. Farmers have repeatedly called for their land to be returned by presenting their ownership documents, but the regime not only does not return lands, but even refuses to hire them on their own land, and employs non-indigenous workers with very low wages.

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Sunday, January 21, 2018

Deadly pills Iran's new method to cover up crimes against protesters

The mullahs regime is severely under pressure and subversion by the uprising and killing and killing a number.
The clerical regime is very afraid of the overthrow and popular uprising.
Deadly pills Iran's new method to cover up crimes against protesters: Baghdad Post, Jan. 21, 2018 - While going through its last throes, with signs of regime change on the horizon, the Mullah regime has begun to take foolish measures to cover up its crimes against protesters, who have taken to the streets since December 28th. One of these measures is giving ...

iran- US accuses China of flouting sanctions by docking in North Korea and loading up on fuel'

China violated the sanctions, why?
Chinese companies have been violating UN sanctions against trading with North Korea, according to U.S. officials.
Cargo ships have been photographed docking in North Korean ports to take on coal, which has then been brought to Vietnam and Russia or unloaded onto other ships mid-sea, the Wall Street Journal reports.
All cargo ships, six in total, are all either Chinese-owned or operated, and were tracked by the U.S. using satellite technology.

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Iran-backed Houthi terrorism denounced

As long as the dictatorship and terrorist regime of Iran is in place, the terrorist acts will continue, and no place in the world will be safe from them, so it will have to cope with it.
Information Affairs Minister Ali bin Mohammed Al Romaihi has denounced recurrent Houthi attacks targeting cities in Saudi Arabia with tens of Iran-made ballistic missiles in a dangerous escalation aimed to undermine the security of the kingdom, the Gulf and the Arab countries.
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Saturday, January 20, 2018

Maryam Rajavi: Iran Uprising, Time To March On

Maryam Rajavi: Iran Uprising, Time To March On: Maryam Rajavi, Newt Gingrich and Senator Robert Torricelli January 19, 2018 - At a conference entitled, “Regime Change in Iran; Onwards with 1000 Ashrafs” featuring former US House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Senator Robert Torricelli, Col. Wesley Martin, and a group of members and ...
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Onward to a Free Iran

Jan. 20, 2018 - Colonel Wesley Martin, one of the most senior Antiterrorism/Force Protection Officer for all coalition forces in Iraq expressed his support for the great uprising in Iran. In his twitter account, Col. Martin wrote: Regime change in Iran, onward to a free Iran.
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Tuesday, January 16, 2018


The regime of mullahs in Iran should not have the opportunity to recognize the world. We need to take action quickly and not miss opportunities.
President Trump is giving the Iran nuclear deal another four months but also warned Congress that will be the end unless lawmakers pass major changes to the agreement, and leading Iranian dissidents are urging the U.S. to stop trying to save a fatally flawed deal in the first place.
In addition, the Trump administration announced new sanctions aimed the Iranian regime in connection with its crackdown on protesters in recent days.
Officially, Trump is waiving nuclear sanctions against Iran until May. He did not say what type of changes would meet with his approval at that time.
For the Iranian dissidents, there’s no way to salvage this deal.

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iran- Tehran in devil’s pact to rebuild al‑Qaeda

There is terrorism and killing and insecurity in the world as well as the regime of the mullahs in the world, did you think that this year, when the Iranian regime was involved in the uprising of its people, no terrorist work was carried out in the new year.
He wants to take back the overthrow of al-Qaeda with terrorist acts, but he can not.
Iran has experienced its worst civil unrest in years, triggered in part by plans to increase military spending for regional adventurism while cutting state subsidies at a time of severe economic hardship.
How would Iranians react to evidence of the Shi’ite regime’s most shocking initiative — a secret pact to rebuild al-Qaeda, the Sunni terrorist movement, and send it into Syria?

Iran’s leadership worried over the future — its own

One who has to betray the trust of his people must be worried.
Once again Iran’s ruling mullahs are worried about the future. Rather, they are wor­ried about their own future.
Following the outbreak of violence in recent weeks, there is much that frightens the country’s rulers. Iran’s mullahs are worried about the internet and social media and they feel particularly threatened by the English lan­guage, the lingua franca of the internet.
On all the above counts the mullahs are spot on. They have every reason to be worried.

(Video) Iran Protests; What We Are Learning

The future of Iran’s protests is on the minds of many as the fate of this strategically important state remains in limbo. This subject gains even more importance considering U.S. President Donald Trump’s upcoming Friday decision on the controversial Iran nuclear deal.
Iran’s state media claims the protests have come to an end, a result similar to that of 2009. Yet the world is witnessing how further cities and towns are expressing their abhorrence over the ruling elite.

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Monday, January 15, 2018

To quell protests, Iran uses Chinese-style internet control

Amid growing protests, Iran’s government censors its critics with Chinese-style internet control, a report, published in The Intercept, revealed Saturday.
Late last month, as nationwide street protests entered their fourth day, Iran’s interior minister, Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli, issued a statement darkly warning that online social networks in the country were being used to create “violence and fear.” 

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Iran rules out any change to nuclear accord

The anti-humanitarian regime is never and will not adhere to anything.
 Iran on Saturday rejected any modification of its nuclear deal with world powers after US President Donald Trump demanded tough new measures to keep the agreement alive.
Iran 'will not accept any amendments in this agreement, be it now or in the future, and it will not allow any other issues to be linked to the JCPOA', the foreign ministry said in a statement, using the 2015 deal's technical name.
It has the backing of all the partners to the agreement apart from the United States, with Russia warning Washington on Saturday that withdrawing would be 'a big miscalculation'.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Eight Executes in Iran amid nationwide uprising to intimidate the people

The clerical regime can not be executed in the face of weakness, with the idea that it will stop the uprising and make people afraid, we can not say. The uprising will never come back and the overthrow of the clerical regime will be real and real for the Iranian nation.
Simultaneous with the nationwide uprising of the Iranian people and in order to intimidate the people, the mullahs’ regime’s executioners executed eight young prisoners in various cities in the period of January 1 to January 11.
On Thursday, January 11, two prisoners were executed publicly in Salmas and Qazvin. The prisoner executed in Salmas suffered from mental illness. The young man executed in Qazvin Prison was on death row for eight years.

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Thursday, January 11, 2018

Pressure grows on German for tough stand on Iran

Why did Germany allow Shahroudi to flee, why did not they think about the Iranian people and sacrificed the principles to their own interests? Why let dictators escape ???
The German government is under intense political pressure to tough its stance on Iran as opposition politicians demanded prosecution of a senior cleric who is visiting the country and Tehran's ambassador was confronted with allegations of spy-ring run by Tehran. 
As Germany's Sigmar Gabriel and other European foreign ministers meet with Iran's Javad Zarif on Thursday in Brussels, there is a fierce controversy raging in Europe's largest nation over the deadly crackdown on protests that has killed 22. 

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iran- Maryam Rajavi’s Opinion in Wall Street Journal: These Iranian Protests Are Different From 2009

Then, the cause was a rift within the regime. Now, the people are demanding an end to the regime.

The protests in Iran send a cogent message: The clerical regime stands on shaky ground, and the Iranian people are unwavering in their quest to bring it down. Slogans against velayat-e faqih, or absolute clerical rule, called for a real republic and explicitly targeted the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and President Hassan Rouhani . This dispels the myth, still harbored by some governments, that Iranians distinguish between moderates and hard-liners in Tehran. It also undercuts flawed arguments depicting a stable regime
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Iran - is going to eliminate this cruelty: Golkhara Iray

The Political Prisoner of Glorak Irayi Following the uprising of the Iranian people  Golkhara, a brave woman detained in the ward of Evin women, following the uprising of the Iranian people for freedom and justice in an open letter, pointing to the clutter of a fundamentalist and reformist false boundary, says the end of the road will surely be attainable: pay attention to the full text of the letter. :
In these days, what's important is the continuity of presence and consciously stepping over and shaking the horror that they create.
The end of the road will surely be achievable when we want and believe. We must know the opponent's tricks, and let us not think over and over against the path of struggle, away from feelings and frustrations and despairs, to the end point, which is freedom from the point of tyranny and oppression.
Believe that every fear is poured, every desire is achievable, and every wall of injustice is interspersed.
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Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Eight children among 21 killed in Syria Idlib air strikes: monitor

The clerical regime said that we should close the line in Syria, or else we should give it the price in Iran, so that the Syrian people were killed by the accomplice with Russia. It did not seem that the people were determined to overthrow the mullahs and they were so surprised. Yes, there will be no dictatorship in the government. This history has always proved this history. The Iranian people will not forget about those who collaborate with the mullahs in Iran and the world, and will be recorded in history.
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Monday, January 8, 2018

Iran - Freedom is our right, we do not want a clerical regime

The regime must release all prisoners, freedom is our will and ours, life is without killing and cracking down on our rights, the Iranian regime must respond, why the Internet has closed, what fears the Iranian people will give their voice to, and they say with a loud voice that the regime They do not want the oppressors and the terrorists.
People in Iran, despite being oil, live in poverty and poverty, every right is voted against the regime
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Iran; Elementry School Student's Chant 'Death to Khamenei'

Iran; Elementry School Student's Chant 'Death to Khamenei': Iran, Jan. 7; Dozens of elementary schoolers from Ahwaz, Dezful and other cities joined their elders to show their anger and distrust of this corrupt government. They chanted 'Death to Khamenei'. Ironically, in one instance where the authorities had forced the preschoolers to join the ...
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Sunday, January 7, 2018

VIDEO: Iranian Turks join protests, demonstrate in Tabriz

The uprising continues throughout Iran
Iranian Turks, also known as Azerbaijani Turks, clashed with a military unit in the northern city of Tabriz on the first day of joining the protests which have been on for 10 days now.
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The world must act — and act now — to stop the crackdown in Tehran

Everyone in the Iranian people must take action
On Tuesday, with Iran’s nationwide unrest entering its seventh day, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei weighed in for the first time. Predictably, he blamed “enemies” of the Islamic Republic for instigating and directing activities in upward of 60 cities. Khamenei is correct in the sense that the vast majority of Iranians are hostile to his theocratic regime.
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Saturday, January 6, 2018

American support for the Iranian protests must go beyond rhetoric

The Iranian people's rights should be protected and defended.
The recent eruption of protests in Iran has, predictably, split Washington in two, between those counseling silence and those urging vocal support. Both sides might think their approach best aids the protesters, but this debate about rhetoric of what the U.S. government should or shouldn’t say furthers neither the aspirations of the Iranian people nor the interests of the United States.
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Maryam Rajavi: Iranian Protesters Turned the Page on the UN and Security Council’s History on Iran

We fight, we die, we get back to Iran.
Ending the silence on Iran and shattering a 4-decade-old barrier of appeasement of the regime, the UN Security Council’s meeting on Iran is a product of the Iranian people’s uprising, the sacrifice of its martyrs and the suffering of its captives.
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Thursday, January 4, 2018

ایران- بشنوید وهوشیار باشید که رژیم آخوندی مستمر درحال توطئه است

ارسال یک هموطن
دیروز ما در فرعی های میدان ولیعصر دیدیم یکی در بین ما است که تا مامورها میایند داد میزند فرار کنید فرار کنید!!
یا داد میزد زیاد شدن دیگه بریم الان فلان و چنان میکنند!!
با چند نفر اورا زیر نظر گرفتیم چون صورتش را مثل ما پوشانده بود نمیتوانستیم او را ببینم کاملا شبیه ما لباس پوشیده بود.
در جایی که دیدیم دارد روحیه بچه ها را خراب میکند اورا کنار کشیدیم و دیدیم ترسید گفتیم دستمالت را باز کن مانع شد بعد یکی گفت مگه تو ماموری که این قدر روحیه خراب میکنی یک دفعه شروع به دویدن کرد وقتی بچه ها اورا گرفتند دیدیم در جیبش دستبند پلاستتکی و کارت حراست یکی از ادارات بود.
خواهش میکنم به مردم بگید که در بین جمعیت الان حکومت دارد این طوری کار میکند چون از پس جمعیت بر نمیاید
اینها را به راحتی میشود شناسایی کرد 
خواهش میکنم به گوش بچه های قیام برسانید و صدای ما باشید من به سختی توانستم با این نت ضعیف به شما وصل شوم پیروزی با ماست اگر جمع شویم

ارسالی از یک هموطن دلیر

Failure of the mullahs' counter-demonstration and continuation of uprising in Tehran and other cities

On Wednesday, January 3, despite the scandalous attempt of the regime to launch counter-demonstrations in some cities, the people in different cities came to the streets again on the seventh day of the uprising to cry their hatred of the ominous regime of mullahs. 
In Tehran, in spite of the intensive presence of repressive forces, including police and intelligence forces, IRGC, Bassij, plainclothes and riot police and motorcyclist mercenaries, various parts of Tehran were host to demonstrations and confrontation of angry youths with repressive forces. In the streets of northern Kargar and Rustam, a severe conflict broke out between the people and the riot police.

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How To Correctly Support The People Of Iran

 Iran is at a turning point. All parties are before a major

decision. Anything short of supporting the Iranian people’s legitimate demand for regime change would be tantamount to betraying a nation suffering for nearly forty years under a brutal and repressive regime willing to resort to all measures to remain in power.

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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Iran protests: Here is what the US should do now

 Anti-government demonstrations that erupted Thursday and have since spread across Iran represent the most serious challenge to the theocracy that has ruled the nation since seizing power in the 1979 revolution.
The U.S. government needs to support the protests with actions to put pressure on the repressive forces of the Iranian government. Such actions should include:
Most importantly, starting to build a relationship with the organized opposition that is seeking a free, secular, democratic and non-nuclear republic in Iran.