Wednesday, March 22, 2017

iran- Maryam Rajavi: This Nowruz Harbingers End of Religious Dictatorship and Advent of the Spring of Freedom

Maryam Rajavi addressed her greeting at Nowruz celebration, the Iranian New Year , which was held at Tirana Albania with PMOI members and guests from Albania, France and United States:
Congratulations on Nowruz, the blossoming of spring and the beginning of the year 1396!
Greetings to each and every one of you freedom fighters who have established the Third Ashraf contrary to the wishes of the Velayat-e Faqih regime!
I would also like to extend my greetings from here to my dear countrymen for the beginning of the New Year.
I congratulate you, Iranian Kurds, Baluchis, Arabs and Azeris, all the colorful flowers of Iran’s garden. I greet my compatriots around the world who can hear my voice. Congratulations on Nowruz and the beginning of 1396!
May this year’s celebration harbinger the defeat of Velayat-e Faqih who has enchained Iran! May this Nowruz mark the advent of the spring of freedom and national sovereignty in Iran!
May the end of winter this year harbinger the defeat of the mullahs’ belligerence and aggression in the region, and I particularly wish for the liberation of the people of Syria from the clutches of this brutal regime.
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