Tuesday, June 27, 2017

iran- 265 MEPs call for Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) to be put on blacklist Iran

Human rights abuses in Iran every day, young people are arrested under various pretexts, pressured and harassed by political prisoners, executions in different cities without any legal grounds.
Until the mullahs regime in Iran, the world will never see peace and respect for human rights.
Peace and security in the region depend on the overthrow of this anti-human regime.
Today (26 June) 265 members of the European Parliament have signed a joint statement on human rights abuses in Iran. The cross-party group includes all political groups and four Vice-Presidents of the parliament and 23 committee and delegation chairs. The issue of human rights violations, repression of women and minorities and the Iranian regime’s support of terrorism are also addressed in the statement.
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