Tuesday, June 27, 2017

iran- Board Member of the Christian Democrat Faction in German Bundestag Supports Iranian Gathering in Paris

Supporting the world's characters from the Galactic Way of Freedom and Democracy in Paris for Iran without torture and execution, without imprisonment and imprisonment, without repression and violence and without poverty or misery.
Peace be upon me, Rajavi, this brave, inescapable leader against the mullahs
A leader who has sacrificed for the freedom of his people for years to bring freedom and democracy to his people.
Leo Dautzenberg, former board member of the Christian democrat faction of Germany’s Bundestag, in a video message announced his support for the grand gathering of Iranian Resistance on July 1 in Paris.
paulo casaca, prominent political analyst and former member of European Parliament from Portugal has sent a message of solidarity in support of the Iranian opposition grand gathering on July 1in Villepinte, Paris.
Several hundred European parliamentarians and dignitaries from two dozen countries will attend the FreeIran grand gathering in Paris on July 1. The event is also expected to attract tens of thousands of Iranian expatriates and their supporters. The participants will condemn the ongoing human rights violations in Iran, as well as Tehran’s meddlesome role in the conflict-torn region
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