Sunday, October 29, 2017

The ultimate multidimensional Iran strategy

The clerical regime does not go beyond creating insecurity and instability in the region and interfering in the affairs of countries and terrorist acts.
What else do the Waliat-e Faqih (Khamenei) and clerics of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles want !!! Who needs peace and does not need weapons of mass destruction?
The failed regime of mullahs and purple fox (Rouhani), whose dismayed face has been revealed these days, are struggling to keep up with some of the more powerful powers in the horror of the uprising of the Iranian people! Until the last minute, this anti-human government will not short of any conspiracy.
Many governments and institutions have failed to implement a successful Iran policy because they do not examine the whole picture. An effective policy should not just focus on one of Iran’s activities, such as funding and arming terrorist groups.
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