Monday, November 27, 2017

Iran-student, silence Why?

Student at all times has always been the forerunner of society, what is happening now that our students see so much poverty, imprisonment in Iran, earthquake, inequality, repression and oppression and pressure, and remain silent.
Honestly, how difficult is it to see the scene of the conscious consciousness of our society silent and unresponsive, instead of being in the scene of the protests and ....
He sees the pain of his people, he sees the sale of children and street children and the sale of Iranian girls and the audience.
She sees the scene of the protests and is silent, how much our university has descended, the leaders of the community are looking for themselves in silence and behind them, their only attempt was protests in a dormitory or a trade union.

Your student friends, you are responsible for all this pressure, repression and injustice, your silence and irresponsibility are not worthy of you.
Did not you see Yarani like Kianoush and ... who left you, but did not silence against the dictator.
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Sunday, November 26, 2017

iran- Iran in Europe MISSILE threat warning of WW3 rocket attack

The response of this war regime is only and only decisiveness.
This regime understands the language of power and invasion. In that case, it will retreat because you are more empty than this and at the height of weakness.This regime progresses as it fails and engages all countries in terrorism and homeland war.

The deputy head of Iran's Revolutionary Guards warned that it may increase the range of missiles to over 2,000 km – enough to strike Europe.
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iran- Iran: Where the regime opposes women’s rights

Iran's backwardness and clerical militant culture have doubled the pressure on oppressed women in Iran.
Every year, the day November 25 comes as a grim reminder that we have a long way to go for achieving gender parity. There are still many countries in the world where women cannot fully exercise the right to shape their own destiny. Violence against women is another detestable vestige of the mostly patriarchal societies inherited by our generation.
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iran- Syria war has killed more than 340,000: new toll

Look at Syria and the scenes of its pain, which is sad
Is it not enough to fight in Syria, is not the killing of all these innocents,Is not the child's cry for losing father or mother?
Do not watch these scenes anymore! I swear by God for the shame that they see and close their eyes.
I want to be a person who is not from Syria to all who are involved in this crime against humanity
Shame on you, know that these days will end, and your destiny, like Hitler, and .... will remain in history.
No people, not God, will not forgive you, know that one day you have to give it back and you can not escape it.
You do not descend from other people's hearts that you are not human beings.
Syria's grinding war has killed over 340,000 people since it broke out in 2011, including more than 100,000 civilians, a monitor said on Friday.
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Sunday, November 19, 2017

iran- Arab League: Iran’s regional threats have crossed all limits

The Iranian regime only understands the language of determination and seriousness, and it is sluggish.The Secretary-General of the Arab League has said that Iran seeks to be a “dangerous dagger” in the region, especially toward Saudi Arabia and Gulf countries.
Ahmed Aboul Gheit also confirmed a recent missile launched by Houthi militias targeting Saudi Arabia was Iranian-made.
“Ballistic missiles fired at Saudi Arabia have amounted to 76 rockets, all Iranian-made, and therefore we affirm our full solidarity with Saudi Arabia in everything it takes to protect its national security,” he said during the emergency meeting held on Sunday.

iran- UN calls on Syria warring sides to stop targeting civilians

Is it not time for the United Nations to resolutely address the opposition, including the Iranian regime in Syria?
  To make Is not the time for silence against the aggressors to be over. What is the answer to the innocent Syrian people who are being killed by perpetrators, including the clerical regime?

The United Nations on Sunday called on Syria's warring sides to stop targeting civilians in the capital Damascus and nearby neighbourhoods, where escalating bombardment has killed dozens in recent days.
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Thursday, November 16, 2017

Iran - This is the rule of Iran, you know

Today I learned that a girl named Kajal, 12, lost her father and mother when she came to the Nabi-e-Akram headquarters in Sar-e-Pol-e Zahab. Two colonels, Mohammad Teimouri and Reza Heidarian, on the pretext of being your father and mother, took him to Qarawis St. Sar-e-Pul Zahab Street and He rapes.
Ki kote nan mond lan fè yon gouvènman ak pèp li yo ki nan sikonstans yo pi move nan tranbleman tè a, ki san kay ak inkonpandans, sa a se rejim nan Biwo nan Iran, kounye a wè sa a ti fi opprime nan absans papa l 'ak manman nan yon tranbleman tè difisil Blue ak manje pa gen okenn, ak nan ki kondisyon tris.

ایران - چه زمان این لکه ننگ از صفحه ایران پاک میشود، دردناک ترینها

سرکردگان کثیف رژیم آخوندی وقاحت را به کجا رسانده اند که حتی از مردم زلزله زده دراین شرایط مصیب بار هم نمیگذرند، ای ننگ و نفرین برشما دیوصفتان آخوندی باد.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Iran: Price of a Drug Has Increased 9 fold

This is a desperate regime of Iran
Either he or she will be imprisoned or imprisoned, or in an earthquake, his people will not go and only speak and deceive people.
Or he looks at his people, places his children on the street, addicts his people, puts people in the banks in the name of housing and ... and pays these money to atomic missiles and massacres of Iranians, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and The people of the world.

This is a clandestine clerical regime in Iran, where there will be no place anywhere in the world, not only in Iran, but also anywhere in the world. Is silence against this regime that causes a world to ruin, war and insecurity ????? Is it still permissible for economic vice versa to be ruined by this devastating government ??? The shame of the proxy who calls his name human and closes his eyes on all of these things. Be sure these things will only end in Iran and Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon, and so on. It will end up everywhere, until The words are turning into action and decisive action is taken with this anti-revolutionary, destructive, anti-peace regime, the only way is the same.
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