Monday, November 27, 2017

Iran-student, silence Why?

Student at all times has always been the forerunner of society, what is happening now that our students see so much poverty, imprisonment in Iran, earthquake, inequality, repression and oppression and pressure, and remain silent.
Honestly, how difficult is it to see the scene of the conscious consciousness of our society silent and unresponsive, instead of being in the scene of the protests and ....
He sees the pain of his people, he sees the sale of children and street children and the sale of Iranian girls and the audience.
She sees the scene of the protests and is silent, how much our university has descended, the leaders of the community are looking for themselves in silence and behind them, their only attempt was protests in a dormitory or a trade union.

Your student friends, you are responsible for all this pressure, repression and injustice, your silence and irresponsibility are not worthy of you.
Did not you see Yarani like Kianoush and ... who left you, but did not silence against the dictator.
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