Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy new years

Stephen James McCabe supports the ongoing uprisings in Iran

Stephen James McCabe supports the ongoing uprisings in Iran: Dec. 30, 2017 - Stephen James McCabe, a British Labor Party politician weighs on the ongoing uprisings in Iran. He says in his tweet that there appear to be widespread protests taking place across Iran. The people of Iran don’t want military assistance from the free world but they do want us to ...
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US Rep. Adam Kinzinger express support with Iran uprisings

US Rep. Adam Kinzinger express support with Iran uprisings: Dec. 29, 2017 - US Rep. Adam Kinzinger of the US House has expressed support for the Iran uprising. In a tweet message, He writes: The people of #Iran are making it clear they do not support the oppressive, radical rule by this tyrannical regime. Freedom-loving nations around the world must ...
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Saturday, December 30, 2017

Iran, Kashan: Angry demonstrators chant 'guns, tanks and basiej forces can't do anything to us'

Iran, Kashan: Angry demonstrators chant 'guns, tanks and basiej forces can't do anything to us': Kashan, Iran, Dec. 30,
2017 - Hudreds of angry protesters have taken to the streets of Kashan, central Iran, chanting 'Death to the dictator', 'Death to Rouhani' the Iranian regime president, and 'Guns, Tanks and basiej military forces can't do anything to us any more.' ... ...
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Senator John McCain supports the uprisings in Iran

Senator John McCain supports the uprisings in Iran: Dec. 30, 2017 - Senator John McCain, the chairman of Senate Armed Services Committe wrote on his twitter account that 'For too long, the Iranian people have been oppressed by their government, which cares more about sowing instability abroad than its own citizens. The U.S. stands with the brave ...
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Thursday, December 28, 2017

iran- Rex Tillerson facing high-stakes diplomacy over Iran and North Korea — if he can keep his job

 A pair of rogue regimes with a longing for nuclear weapons promise to dominate Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s second year atop Foggy Bottom.
Tillerson, in following President Trump’s distaste for former President Barack Obama’s decision-making, declared in 2017 an end to the era of “strategic patience” with Iran and North Korea. As the nation’s top diplomat, he has to try to rally international support for Trump’s more aggressive posture. Diplomacy doesn’t stop at home, though. Tillerson has to persuade Congress to support his vision for reorganizing the State Department, while maintaining his position in the administration, which has seemed precarious at times.
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iran- فیلمی از حمله سرکوبگران نظامی به مردم قیام کننده در مشهد

فیلمی از حمله سرکوبگران نظامی به مردم قیام کننده در مشهد
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iran- The Arab world will not be led by Iran: UAE

UAE’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs said on Wednesday that the Arab world must come together under Saudi-Egyptian leadership to combat Iranian influences in the region.
“The world is at an impasse, and the solution is to co-operate in the face of surrounding regional ambitions,” said Dr Anwar Gargash on Twitter.
“The sectarian and partisan approach is not an acceptable alternative. The Arab world will not be led by Tehran or Ankara.
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Saturday, December 23, 2017

US imposes new sanctions against Iran, threatens to scrap nuclear deal

US imposes new sanctions against Iran, threatens to scrap nuclear deal: Sputnik, Dec. 22, 2017 - The last year saw many controversial steps taken by the administration of US President Donald Trump, but the harsh policy on Iran, including the introduction of new sanctions against Tehran over its ballistic missile program and refusal to certify Iran’s compliance with the ...
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iran-Statement on behalf of the UN Special Envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura

Statement on behalf of the UN Special Envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura: Geneva, 22 December 2017-- Special Envoy de Mistura attended the Astana meeting, which was hosted very effectively by President Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan and organised under the auspices of the three guarantors of the 30 December 2016 ceasefire – the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Russian ...
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Russia to expand naval base in Syria’s Tartus

Russia to expand naval base in Syria’s Tartus: Orient Net, 23 December 2017-- Russian lawmakers approved an agreement to expand the Tartus naval refueling facility in Syria into a fully-fledged naval base capable of harboring nuclear-powered ships, following the withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria, RT reported on Thursday. The agreement ...

Friday, December 22, 2017

iran- Yemen’s Saleh was ‘assassinated’ by Iranian Guards, his lawyer says

Yemen’s Saleh was ‘assassinated’ by Iranian Guards, his lawyer says: Al Arabiya, 22 December 2017-- The private lawyer of Yemen’s former President Ali Abdullah Saleh said
on Thursday that the slain leader was killed by members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. Mohammed al-Masuri referred to what he called an “assassination” and that the Guards ...
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Saudi Crown Prince and mahmod Abbas discuss path to establish state of Palestine

Saudi Crown Prince and Abbas discuss path to establish state of Palestine: Al Arabiya , 21 December 2017-- Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Thurdsday in Riyadh. During the meeting, they discussed the latest developments in Palestine and the practical efforts along the way to guarantee the legitimate ...
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Monday, December 18, 2017

U.N.'s Zeid toughens warning of 'genocide' in Myanmar

U.N.'s Zeid toughens warning of 'genocide' in Myanmar: GENEVA (Reuters) DEC. 18, 2017-- The top U.N. human rights official has said he would not be surprised if a court one day ruled that acts of genocide had been committed against the Rohingya Muslim minority in Myanmar, according to a television interview to be shown on Monday. U.N. High Commissioner ...
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Likelihood of US-Iranian Confrontation in 2018

The clerical regime with insecurity and terrorism, and interventions throughout the world, takes the world towards insecurity.
And a danger to the whole world.
Likelihood of US-Iranian Confrontation in 2018: Washington - Asharq Al-Awsat, December 16, 2017 - A US strategic report issued by the Center for Preventive Action (CPA) that operates under the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) warned of a likelihood of military confrontation between the United States backed by its allies in the region and Iran. ...
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Iran strategically uses Basij model to spread its influence across the Middle-East

The mullahs' regime ultimately uses the weakness and frustration of any means and means to survive its rule.
Iran strategically uses Basij model to spread its influence across the Middle-East: New Delhi Times, December 16, 2017 - Middle-East has been the springboard for various regional powers to spread their influence in the area. Amongst the many actors, two major powers scheming and fighting for their ascendancy in the volatile region are Saudi Arabia and Iran. The Saudi Kingdom ...
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Maryam Rajavi addresses the Paris conference on

Maryam Rajavi addresses the Paris conference on: Riyadh, Riyadh Daily, Dec. 17, 2017 - “Just as it was necessary to confront Daesh, it is far more imperative now to fight a hundred-times greater danger: the religious dictatorship in Iran, the IRGC and its mercenary militias.” This was reiterated by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi , the ...
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Friday, December 15, 2017

iran- House votes to have Treasury Department publish Iranian leaders' assets

The top officials, including Khamenei and Rouhani, loot money and rights of the Iranian people and save on foreign banks or spend on the region, but the people of Iran live in the worst conditions in poverty and poverty.
House votes to have Treasury Department publish Iranian leaders' assets: Washington Examiner, Dec.
 13, 2017 - Treasury Department officials must publish a report chronicling the financial assets of Iran’s top leaders, under a bill that passed the House on Wednesday. 

The legislation, which passed 289-135, must still clear the Senate before President Trump can sign it ...
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Brave words of a woman whose savings were confiscated by Caspian Bank

Billions of dollars of aid from Iran to Syria while iranians live in po...

Protest of retired people in front of Majlis (Iranian Parliament)

Protest of people whose savings were seized by the Iranian Caspian Bank ...

Iranian resistance supporters activities on the occasion of the student ...

Sunday, December 10, 2017

iran-Argentine: Judge Seeks to Arrest Ex-President Over Cover-Up of Iran Role in AMIA Bombing VIDEO

Argentine: Judge Seeks to Arrest Ex-President Over Cover-Up of Iran Role in AMIA Bombing VIDEO: Welcoming this act, the Iranian Resistance calls on the Argentine Government and the Judiciary as well as the international community to bring before justice all those responsible for AMIA bombing and those who murdered Judge Alberto Nisman On Thursday, 7 December 2017, a federal judge in ...
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iran-Madina, the young Afghan girl who will never see London

Madina, the young Afghan girl who will never see London:
AFP, Dec. 9, 2017 - Madina will never know London, the city her Afghan family hoped to reach. The six-year-old's body lies in a Serbian grave after she was struck by a train at the Balkan country's border. The Husseinis left Afghanistan around two years ago with the aim of reaching Britain, joining ...
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Libya and Italy to set up operations room to tackle migrant smuggling

Libya and Italy to set up operations room to tackle migrant smuggling: TRIPOLI (Reuters) DECEMBER 9, 2017 - Libya’s U.N.-backed government agreed with Italy on Saturday to establish a joint operations room for tackling migrant smugglers and traffickers as part of efforts to curb migrant flows toward Europe, according to a statement. Libya is the main gateway for ...
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Thursday, December 7, 2017

iran- Student Day, December 16, reminds me of the protest and resentment of students in Iran

We do not allow the clerical regime to take the shield of liberty, the university, whatever its price, even to the point of death.

But we will preserve this fortress and fortune, and endure the mullahs, not only do not surrender and give it to us.
The 16th of Azar in our homeland is called Student Day.
On the 13th of November, the popular uprising at the university and the killing of students and students, featured a popular university campus.

With the collapse of the Shah's dictatorship, universities, like other popular centers, were released from autocracy, but the release of the university was even shorter than Iran's society, as Khomeini was the sign of a university before any other organization. Because he was the most enemies of consciousness and freedom.
Student's day is a day of freedom and a symbol of student liberation. A day that has always reminded of the uprising and student uprising, and it was involved in the hearts of students, people and history of Iran.
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Wednesday, December 6, 2017

ایران- دانشجو بپاخیز خلقی در انتظاراست

رژیم آخوندی که بغایت از دانشگاه و دانشجو وحشت دارد تلاش میکند افکار دانشجویان را در مسیری که میخواهد سمت و سو بدهد ولی نمیتواند.
رژیم میخواهد دانشجویی که قشرآگاه جامعه است را به سمت زندگی عادی ، بی هدف، بی آرمان وبه مسیر ابتذال بکشاند و چون زورش نمیرسد و نمیتواند با سرکوب، بگیر و ببند و ایجاد جو ترس و خفقان و زندان و....میخواهد به خواسته اش برسد ، ولی تا بوده همیشه دانشگاه سنگر آزادی بوده است و دانشجو رزمنده آن که لحظه ای از رویایی با دیکتاتورها غافل
نبوده و نیست
.بله هیچکدام  ما نمیتوانیم از کنار دانشجویانی که جانشان را فدیه این مسیر کرده اند و خونشان نثار مردم وانقلاب ایران شده ، بی تفاوت رد شویم آنها در راه آزادی و مردمشان از هیچ جانفشانی دریغ نکردند و اکنون نوبت ماست و مردم ما چشم انتظار فرزندان خلق هستند که حق شان را از حلقوم آخوندها بیرون بکشند
دانشجو بپا خیز خلق ات در انتظاراست، بله مردم ما درصحنه اند و باید که دانشجو 
 جلودار آنها باشد، باکی از این نظام پوسیده آخوندی نداریم و هرگز سرسازش با نظام پلید آخوندی نداریم.بجنگ تا بجنگیم
بله دانشگاه زنده است و دانشجو روز 16آذر- روز دانشجو میخروشد

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

iran- Saudi-led strikes pound Yemen capital after rebels kill Saleh

 Saudi-led warplanes pounded the rebel-held Yemeni capital before dawn on Tuesday after the rebels killed former president Ali Abdullah Saleh as he fled the city following the collapse of their uneasy alliance, residents said.
The Shiite Huthi rebels moved swiftly to consolidate their control over Sanaa after nearly a week of deadly clashes with Saleh loyalists.
Exiled President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi called on Yemenis to unite against the Iran-backed insurgents.
At least seven strikes hit the presidential palace in a densely populated residential neighbourhood in the heart of Sanaa, witnesses said.
There was immediate word on any casualties.

iran- Exclusive: Yemeni ex-President's son vows to revenge from Houthis

Former Yemeni Ambassador Ahmed Ali Saleh mourned his father former president Ali Saleh, a statement obtained by the Baghdad Post revealed on Tuesday.
It added, 'I extend my deepest condolences to the martyrdom of the leader Ali Saleh who ferociously fronted the traitors (Iran-backed Houthis).'
He also conveyed his sympathy over the people who have been killed with his father in this terrorist attack.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Iran-student cries do not give up

Hello friends
Peace be upon the students of the oil industry and all the students who are present at the scene and surrender to this regime are not anti-personnel.Yes, it is worthy of the student to be a conscious and circle of society.
When a student gets along with his people and takes them on the scene, nobody and no dictatorship can resist them.
So the clerical regime is so terrified of the uprising, precisely because of its weakness.Because he knows that his government is being thrown by the same students and people and closing his scroll forever, because of this, the level of oppression and pressure in Iran is to frighten the nation and retreat،But never in a student's room, he was not afraid of death and prison, nor fear of anything else. Yes, I'll veto ourselves if we're going to shake the mountain.

Peace be upon you, that, despite the clamor of the mullahs, you did not break the sit-in, believe that the seismicity of this regime has dropped out andThe clerical regime, from Khamenei to the cleric, and all the rest of its predecessors, are doomed to failure and destruction, we have to play our role and push back with the invasion.
The clerical regime understands a language well, invasion and perseverance are the same places that have retreated.
So let's face it, to get our rights and freedom in Iran for the suffering and oppressed people and the unsolved children, and the fathers and mothers of Piriman and the workers,and ....
Yes, remembering our silent supporters who passed our passage and sacrificed for the liberation of their successors and sacrificed for the revolution of the Iranian people, they are alive and ready.Yes, let's face it, and take our right from this antiterrorist, anti-human and humanitarian regime, and we do not have a brief moment.
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