Thursday, December 7, 2017

iran- Student Day, December 16, reminds me of the protest and resentment of students in Iran

We do not allow the clerical regime to take the shield of liberty, the university, whatever its price, even to the point of death.

But we will preserve this fortress and fortune, and endure the mullahs, not only do not surrender and give it to us.
The 16th of Azar in our homeland is called Student Day.
On the 13th of November, the popular uprising at the university and the killing of students and students, featured a popular university campus.

With the collapse of the Shah's dictatorship, universities, like other popular centers, were released from autocracy, but the release of the university was even shorter than Iran's society, as Khomeini was the sign of a university before any other organization. Because he was the most enemies of consciousness and freedom.
Student's day is a day of freedom and a symbol of student liberation. A day that has always reminded of the uprising and student uprising, and it was involved in the hearts of students, people and history of Iran.
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