Tuesday, April 10, 2018

iran-Iranian agents in the European Parliament; political cover for terrorist acts against the opposition in Albania, warns Campaign for Iran Change

Coordinator for Campaign for Iran Change (CIC) in a statement warned today that the activities by the agents of the Iranian regime in the European Parliament is a political cover for terror acts against the Iranian opposition in Albania.
According to Struan Stevenson, a well-known European politician who was a member of the European Parliament for 15 years “Iran’s deep frustration after the organized transfer of thousands of members of the main democratic opposition movement from Iraq to Albania and the loss of the opportunity to massacre them is not a secret.  This transfer was the result of an unprecedented campaign by the Iranian opposition and its supporters in Europe and the United States. It took place under the noses of the theocratic fascist regime while the mullahs in Tehran had put all their efforts into preventing their transfer and orchestrating either their surrender or their annihilation.”

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