Thursday, June 28, 2018

Iran-EU is named after its beautiful, but its tradition is to protect dictators

Iran-EU is named after its beautiful, but its tradition is to protect dictators،As a citizen in this world, I now understand why Russia easily violates the contracts and bombs the Syrians.
My question is why the EU is seeing human rights abuses, but closes its eyes and runs with the mullahs and supports them.

Does he think that he does not understand what he is doing?So shame on anyone and every one who has the hands of dictators The people of Iran will eventually win and those who have betrayed them will never forget.
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Monday, June 25, 2018

Iran: Ahvaz workers continue protests, colleagues released

With employees of the Ahvaz National Steel Group continuing their protests, Iranian regime authorities have been forced to succumb to their demands and release their arrested colleagues.
As these employees and their families rallied outside the judiciary for numerous days, the Ahvaz judiciary issued a letter on June 21stinforming them of the release of the remaining five jailed employees.

Iran: Tehran store-owners protest skyrocketing currency prices

People in Iran are appalled by all this oppression and injustice, repression, torture, poverty, execution, and with their protests, they are opposed to this dictator regime.In what language we say we do not want this cruel regime
Following the trend of Iran’s currency, the rial, nosediving against the U.S. dollar for many months now, reports indicate the U.S. dollar was trading today at 90,000 rials on the black market in Tehran.
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Saturday, June 23, 2018

What do you know about the Free Iran Gathering?

The Iranian people are seeking freedom and democracy
The people of Iran do not want execution, torture, repression, poverty, injustice and oppression
The Iranian people do not want the government to violate the rights of its neighbors
The people of Iran want to live with peace in peace and friendship
The Iranian people do not want nuclear and terrorism and insecurity
Yes Iranian people love equality and brotherhood and friendship
We do not want a clandestine regime, but we want a state of people who are friendly and just
We want a regime change in Iran

The Iranian people do not want a government that betrayed its people
We will not forget the friends standing next to us
June 30, 2018 - Every year, more than 100,000 people around the world gather in Paris for the Iranian opposition’s annual convention.
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iran- EU choosing Iran over the US is illogical, to say the least

The people of Iran are certain that during this era of dictatorship and oppression the clergy will praise and not forget those who stand by the people of Iran.
Also, those who see all of them executed and tortured and oppressed, but who have lost their eyes on all these oppressions, will never forget their economic interests.
June 22, 2018 - Following the U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to exit from the highly flawed Iran nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the European Union is striving to somehow safeguard the pact. EU’s main objective appears to be further normalizing trade and economic relations with Tehran.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Great Resistance of Iran

Solidarity of mayors and French elected representatives from the threshold of the great gathering in Paris. On the eve of the great gathering of the Iranian Resistance in Paris, the mayors and French electors from the district of Ile de France (Paris and the suburbs) expressed their solidarity with the uprising and resistance of the Iranian people against the dictatorship.
Jean-François Lugar, Mayor of the Paris Region
Jean-Pierre Mouler, mayor of Manny Anne Waxen
Jean-Pierre Beck from the City Council of Aurorsur

Iran-The clerical regime, Mohammad Saleh

The clerical regime, at the end of its weakness, is killing innocent people so that it can stop the protests of the people.
The regime's clandestine  Mohammad-e Salat was executed this morning.
The family  Mohammad_Slath has been told to deliver the body from Sakineh Paradise.