Sunday, March 26, 2017

Basij morality police: Acid attacking foot soldiers of the Iranian regime

Iranian women under oppression, repression, and .... with acid.The dictator and misogynist for women not only do not have any right،But women under a variety of pressures and limitations and put suppressed.
Al Arabiya, 24 March 20 17 - None of nature’s most vicious have an instinct for barbarism and cruelty like that of the Iranian Basij - Basij Mostazafan (mobilisation of the oppressed) – the foot soldiers of the Iranian regime.
Acting out the role of morality police, they prowl the streets of Iran enforcing a code of conduct, mercilessly hunting down any women who disobey the rules on decency set down by the country’s leading clerics, attacking those who do in the most horrendous way.
In response to women breaking these laws, which have been enforced in Iran since the 1979 revolution, whether a women is inappropriately veiled and not wearing long loose fitting clothes such as a chador in public, or is seen to be wearing lipstick, or it is just a case of a young teenage girl seen to be “fraternizing” with a lad in public, such violations are all classed by the Iranian regime’s hardliners as a sin in the spirit, or committing “indecent” behavior.

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