Sunday, March 26, 2017

PHOTOS: Iranian militias support Assad in Damascus battle

The Iranian regime's oppression not only to people in Iran But also violated people's rights and peace and security in the world. And order breaks friendship.
Vasd Syrian regime Brsrmrdm scourges that were never in the world will not forget, as well as in Iraq and Yemen and Iran ...... everywhere and to everyone's relief.
 Al Arabiya, 24 March 20 17 - The official website of Harakat al Nujaba militia has published pictures showing the presence of its elements in the vicinity of Damascus, to support the head of the Syrian regime Bashar al Assad in his war against the Syrian opposition, which is acquiring military gains in Jubeir, Abbasin and Fares Khouri street.
Harakat al Nujaba, which adopts the ideology of Iran Supreme Leader Ali Khomeini, asserted that the images published by the elements are in the context of their presence in the “vicinity of Jubeir and Abbasin,” according to a report released Thursday.

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