Saturday, April 22, 2017

iran-Revelation of Iran Regime's Continued Secret Nuclear Activities

The Iranian regime has never been transparency in the region. While the production of nuclear bombs not to be signed with America.But it is violated and the Bomb
Iran neither the people nor the neighbors nor transparent and honest with the world is not and never will be And always lied to everyone.
Iran violating U.S. deal with secret nukes research, opposition group says
Iran is cheating on its historical deal with the U.S. by secretly conducting research into nuclear weapons components such as bomb triggers and enriched uranium, the main Iranian opposition group said Friday. Rowan Scarborough wrote in ‘The Washington Times’ on April 21, 2017.
The regime is doing engineering and weaponization testing at a walled military complex south of Tehran, a location which Iran has declared off-limits to inspectors, said the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and its main operational arm, the People’s Mujahidin of Iran (MEK).

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