Wednesday, March 29, 2017

iran- Evacuation deal reached for four besieged Syria towns: Monitor

Iran and Syria's Bashar al-Assad killed at least people did not
The day the International Criminal Court as a war crime to be tried.
Beirut, AFP, 29 March 20 17 - Four Syrian towns that have been under crippling siege for more than two years are to be evacuated under a deal reached late on Tuesday, a monitoring group said.
Residents of Zabadani and Madaya, two towns near Damascus under siege by government forces, will leave their homes in return for the evacuation of Fuaa and Kafraya, two mainly Shiite towns in the northwest besieged by the rebels, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
Observatory chief Rami Abdel Rahman said the deal was brokered by rebel supporter Qatar and government ally Iran and that Islamist rebels in the northwestern province of Idlib had already signed on.
“The evacuations are not expected to begin until April 4 but, as a goodwill measure, a ceasefire for the towns came into effect overnight,” Abdel Rahman said.

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