Saturday, April 15, 2017

Iran- Ayatollah known killer who wants to be president

Someone who has 30,000 inmates in the blood to become president of Iran.
Are you a representative of the people is the killer could never never never.
Akhund head of a criminal and we do not want him my vote .and boycotted the elections, and we collapse.
Raisi, of the “principalists” faction and considered a close confidant of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, announced his candidacy.
 A few weeks ago, 50 members of the all-clerics Assembly of Experts, the body in charge of appointing the next supreme leader, issued a letter to Khamenei calling for Raisi to become the regime’s next president. Raisi himself had informed the regime’s various factions he will participate only if he enjoys Khamenei’s blessing.

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