Monday, April 10, 2017

iran-Home News Terrorism & Fundamentalism Iran: Remarks by Chair of Foreign Affairs Committee of NCRI, on Rouhani's Position on Assad's Chemical Attack on the Syrian People NCRI Iran News | Terrorism and Fundamentalism Iran: Remarks by Chair of Foreign Affairs Committee of NCRI, on Rouhani's Position on Assad's Chemical Attack on the Syrian People

Shame on you spiritual wind that both criminal fraud
Kshvrkhvdt Iran has executed innocent people and not only you but also in the region and in terrorist acts and involvement of partner you are. That day all these crimes punished by the people and the blood of innocents collar So whether you take Varbabt Khamenei, the day is not far when you will have to answer all these crimes, you're the manager Asad arms.

Mohammad Mohaddessin said: The Iranian regime’s President Hassan Rouhani’s phone call to the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad and reaffirming his full-fledged support for this war criminal is indicative of two facts:
First - The Iranian regime is fully participating in the crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide that are perpetrated in Syria.
Second - It proves that both factions of the clerical regime, which has acted as the main obstacle to the overthrow of Assad in the past six years, have total unanimity in supporting Assad and the massacre of the Syrian people. So far as it pertains to suppression and export of terrorism and extremism, there is no difference between the Iranian regime’s factions.
Bashar al-Assad, his regime’s officials as well as Khamenei, Rouhani, and the IRGC commanders who are responsible for the murder of 500,000 Syrians and displacing more than half of the population of that country, should be brought to justice. In fact they are more criminal than many of the individuals who were tried in Nuremberg.
Rouhani, who blatantly attributes the mass killing of the innocent people of Khan Sheikhoun, in particular women and children, with chemical weapons to the opposition, is the same individual who for the past 38 years has been attributing the suppression and massacre of the Iranian people to the regime’s opposition and has boasted about duping the international community over the regime’s nuclear projects.

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