Monday, April 17, 2017

Iran's Rouhani during his presidency work!

How do babies born in poverty who during his reign the people selling their claim to represent the people?
Street children and children who created it?
Who has the right people in unemployment and starvation to eat a piece of bread was forced to commit suicide?
Who for women to dress throws acid at unveiled women, but now the president himself put photos?
Who Iranian girls sold into countries?
Who addiction among young people in order to understand the spirit of the mullahs and head rest mercenaries Azkhamnh what Bsrshan earn?
Who of unemployment among young people was particularly educated?
And who has the right to market and sell Colbert workers and teachers ate?
Why are killed Colbert for a piece of bread?
Why are young people and people of Iran want freedom and democracy due to be executed?
Why drugs into the country to be executed after your people?
Why not take Mynmm country devastated by a flood and earthquake, and so many people killing
Why intervene in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and ..... you and the people they mean mess to get to your interests
And a thousand whys and mark other questions?
Ebrahim Raisi has just announced his candidacy for the Iranian election that will take place next month. He is also a possible successor to Ali Khamenei, the country’s Supreme Leader.
Earlier in the week, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - a former Iranian President – announced he would also be running for presidency, but seeing as he did so against the wishes of the Supreme Leader, it is safe to say he does not have a chance of winning. He will probably not even get past the screening carried out by the Guardian Council.
So it will probably be a race between current President, Hassan Rouhani, and Raisi. As Raisi has been identified as an ally of the Supreme Leader, Rouhani is probably going to be favoured by the West.
We will never cause misery to those who will not vote in Iran

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