Monday, May 22, 2017

iran- Iran's interference in the region will be met by strong unified front

Just a day after the election Rouhani in Iran, Pakistan was hit by a missile.Those who expect the government to know that this regime lies and betrays his people and leads them to the gallows and executed right there, but they cut off people's hands. But the people arrested on drug imports, sells his daughters and sons of the unborn dealing.People to poverty and hunger eyes and their organs to sell state that the word freedom and democracy exceedingly fear and repression, imprisonment, torture and execution of the change in that mirage and no change in sight, this year revealed the supreme leader and Srdmdaransh cause of instability and terrorism in the region,Yes supreme leader and .... a language they do not understand even more aggressive Jackal does not have to understand the ransom will not retreat in front of him.
In an interview with Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday covering a wide range of topics and issues regarding the president's trip to overseas, Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson who is accompanying the president on this trip responded to a question regarding the president's speech covering social issues such as human rights and women's rights said: the issues of human rights and women's rights are addressed ' to improve the conditions in the region, and today, conditions in the region are under a lot of stress because of the threat of terrorism, the threat that Iran poses to instability in the region.
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iran-America Iran's president said the biggest victims of the Iranian regime, the Iranian people are

Opens his eyes and realizes that the world is anti-people regime, whether that was the right people. And what crimes and betrayals that was not valid.
Khamenei is the extreme weakness in Rouhani (The fox purple) Aztrs out his ballot and be elected and a basic engineering was a regime that still has its consequences.
Supreme Leader and the split was over the head of government has its own consequences in iran.
Donald Trump Arab leaders meeting in Riyadh on Sunday 31 Persian date Ordibehesht 96 said the objective of the coalition of countries that oppose terrorism, this is a unique occasion and a symbol for the common goal Mast.bayd to overcome terrorism Md.dkhtran Muslim boys should be safe to live .
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Saturday, May 20, 2017

iran- U.S. President Trump arrives in Saudi Arabia

America President's trip to Saudi Arabia.
Saudi and pan-Arab news channels showed Air Force One on the tarmac in Riyadh in front of a red carpet flanked by Saudi soldiers.

The White House hopes the trip will shift focus away from domestic controversies and on to his foreign policy agenda.

iran- Iran: Early results in the sham presidential elections

Iran wants to show the scene say the vote is an example that yellow dog is brother of jackals, both criminal And in the blood of people ultimately do not choose the people they govern people  He chooses،And they do not represent the Iranian people because there is no free choice in Iran.
The clerical regime even journalists and reporters were not free in selected areas on their own wherever they want to go.Iran's interior ministry has announced its first early results of the sham presidential elections.
 After announcing farfetched and fake numbers of votes participation in this round of Iran's presidential elections, the interior ministry said from 40 million votes cast on Friday, so far 25 million have been counted and the results are as follows.
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Thursday, May 18, 2017

IRAN- Iranian election is a sham and a 'joke,' government opponents say

The clerical regime in Iran is well aware that people are dissatisfied with the government,So exceedingly afraid of the people to revolt.As is well aware that the government is shaken to the hair strap and at any moment could explode the anger of the people and the regime be overthrown.
This week’s presidential election in Iran has activists from outlawed opposition groups risking their lives, they say, in what they have branded as an unfair and undemocratic election.
Activists claim that no matter who wins the presidential contest, Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, will continue to control his country.
“Calling this an election is a joke. This is a farce, and not an election,' Hamid D, a mechanical engineer in Tehran, told Fox News. Hamid, who did not want to use his last name for fear of retaliation, said he has been busy the past few weeks putting up anti-regime posters all across Tehran.

iran-Trump Admin Sanctions Iran’s Ballistic Missile Program

The Iranian regime is much weaker than it would take to stop it.Iranian supreme leader (Khamenei, etc.) to do whatever his government's survival، To be alive two days more.
New action comes as Tehran flaunts technology capable of carrying nuclear weapon
The Trump administration announced on Wednesday that it is sanctioning several entities in connection with Iran’s ballistic missile program, which the U.S. intelligence community estimates could be used to carry nuclear weapons over great distances, according to an announcement by the Treasury Department.
New sanctions will be leveled on two senior Iranian defense officials, including one who 'facilitated the sale of explosives and provided other support to Syria and the director of the organization responsible for Iran's solid-fueled ballistic missile program,' according to an announcement by the Trump administration.
New sanctions also have been leveled on a Chinese-based network believed to be supporting Iran’s ballistic missile program via 'millions of dollars' worth of missile-applicable items.'
Another Iran-based entity known to support Iran’s missile program also was hit with sanctions.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

iran- Reports: At least 35 killed in Iran coal mine explosion

A number to be executed, a number have been killed in floods and earthquakes،A number of them are not in the right Asraynkh suicide and self-immolate.A number of buildings in Tehran Plasco to kill you. A number of the mines like to kill you, gentlemen who became president candidate Ever do for your people, Mr. Hassan Rohani, Ebrahim Raisi and carpet and ....Why not take any action and so much to kill you, what would you answer to this killing ?????

Answer all the ravages killing Why?Three semi-official news agencies in Iran say the death toll from a coal mine explosion has risen to at least 35 people killed.
The Fars, Mehr and Tasnim news agencies all carried similar reports Thursday morning.
The explosion Wednesday rocked the Zemestanyurt mine, which lies 14 kilometers (9 miles) from Azadshahr in Iran's northern Golestan province.
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