Monday, May 22, 2017

iran- Iran's interference in the region will be met by strong unified front

Just a day after the election Rouhani in Iran, Pakistan was hit by a missile.Those who expect the government to know that this regime lies and betrays his people and leads them to the gallows and executed right there, but they cut off people's hands. But the people arrested on drug imports, sells his daughters and sons of the unborn dealing.People to poverty and hunger eyes and their organs to sell state that the word freedom and democracy exceedingly fear and repression, imprisonment, torture and execution of the change in that mirage and no change in sight, this year revealed the supreme leader and Srdmdaransh cause of instability and terrorism in the region,Yes supreme leader and .... a language they do not understand even more aggressive Jackal does not have to understand the ransom will not retreat in front of him.
In an interview with Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday covering a wide range of topics and issues regarding the president's trip to overseas, Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson who is accompanying the president on this trip responded to a question regarding the president's speech covering social issues such as human rights and women's rights said: the issues of human rights and women's rights are addressed ' to improve the conditions in the region, and today, conditions in the region are under a lot of stress because of the threat of terrorism, the threat that Iran poses to instability in the region.
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