Sunday, February 3, 2019

ایران-آشنایی با مسعود رجوی

کسی که نسلی با نام او شروع کرد و با منش فدا وصداقت پا به میدان گذاشت، بله درمکتب او همه چیز درفدا وصداقت و دادن همه چیز در راه آزادی  خلق و میهن
معنا پیدا میکند.
مسعود رجوی در سال ۱۳۲۷ در شهر طبس واقع در استان خراسان به‌دنیا آمد. پدرش حسین رجوی، تحصیلکرده و از کارمندان اداره ثبت اسناد و مادرش راضیه جلالیان خانه‌دار بود. این خانواده ۵فرزند داشت.
مسعود رجوی تحصیلات ابتدایی را در دبستان فارابی مشهد و دوران متوسطه را در دبیرستان شاهرضا در مشهد گذراند

iran-Senior Iranian regime official acknowledges deceptive measures during nuclear talks

The clerical regime has never been and will not be. Ever wanted to scare the world.
Ali Akbar Salehi, head of the Iranian regime’s Atomic Energy Organization referred to more deceptive and misleading measures by the mullahs’ regime during the talks that led to the 2015 nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
“We were enriching uranium at 20 percent during the talks and we never told any of the negotiation parties about such measures,” Salehi said in a recent state TV interview.
Ms. Rajavi said in New Year's Day:
I call on the people of the world to support the Iranian people’s resistance and uprising to overthrow despotism, religious discrimination, and a regime which is the central banker of terrorism and the enemy of peace and freedom in the region and the world.