Friday, March 31, 2017


Financial success is always someone who is looking for peace, freedom and democracy.
Because God is good will and humanitarian help and assist the losers are always the ones who ominous intentions. As facilities have power but still fail.
Because World times people love, friendship, peace and freedom is built.The Syrian people will win one day be.
Warplanes pounded rebel-held areas north of the Syrian city of Hama on Thursday in an escalation of air strikes, a rebel official and a monitor said, as government forces fought to reverse the insurgents’ biggest assault in months.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and a doctor said air strikes near the town of Latamneh, northwest of Hama, had led several people to choke, saying it was a sign of a gas attack.
The area is of vital importance to President Bashar al-Assad, who with the support of Russia and Iran has the military upper hand there.
The observatory, a Britain-based war monitoring group, said jets had hit several rebel towns on Thursday, including Soran and Khattab, both captured by insurgents at the start of the offensive.

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Solar wind turned Mars into dry, cold planet: study

 Particles blasting out from the sun stripped away what was once a thick, Earth-like atmosphere on Mars, leaving behind a dry and cold world inhospitable to life, researchers said in a study released on Thursday.

About 4 billion years ago when life was starting on Earth, Mars also had a dense atmosphere, which kept the planet warm and wet, according to the study in this week’s issue of the journal Science.

iran-A year after key conference sought to boost resettlement targets for Syrian refugees, half of the 500,000 places sought have been achieved

As the number of men, women and children fleeing six years of war in Syria passes the 5 million mark, the international community needs to do more to help them, the UN refugee chief said today.
“We still have a long road to travel in expanding resettlement and the number and range of complementary pathways available for refugees,” said Filippo Grandi, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. 
“To meet this challenge, we not only need additional places, but also need to accelerate the implementation of existing pledges.”  
The remarks come one year after the High-Level Meeting on Syria sought pledges to resettle 10% of all Syrian refugees by 2018.  Despite the call during that meeting in Geneva on 30 March 2016 to resettle and facilitate pathways for 500,000 refugees, to date 250,000 places have been made available.
“These generous pledges are a welcome and important symbol of solidarity and responsibility-sharing by the international community. If we are to achieve our goal, we now need to accelerate these efforts in 2017 and beyond,” said High Commissioner Grandi. 

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iran- Britain’s Theresa May pens open letter to Europe

England leaves Europe Union.
 British Prime Minister Theresa May penned an open letter to the European people, which was published in six continential dailies on Thursday, including Le Parisien in France.

In the letter, May assured Europe that Britain’s decision to leave the European Union “does not signify in any way a rejection of the values that we have in common as Europeans. Nor is it an attempt to do harm to the Union, nor to any of the states within it. On the contrary, the United Kingdom wants the European Union to succeed and prosper.

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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

iran- Mosul: Protection of civilians paramount as ISIL intensifies use of human shields

GENEVA (28 March 20 17) – UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein on Tuesday deplored the massive loss of civilian lives in west Mosul in recent days, victims of actions by ISIL and of airstrikes.  Bodies continue to be found in buildings where civilians were reportedly held by ISIL as human shields, and were subsequently killed by airstrikes conducted by Iraqi Security Forces and International Coalition forces, as well as by Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) allegedly planted in the same buildings by ISIL. Numerous other civilians have been killed by shelling and have been gunned down by ISIL snipers as they tried to flee. 

iran- Albania - France strategic partnership signed in Paris

At the end of the visit of Prime Minister Rama in Paris, the two governments have signed a series of agreements which establish the framework of bilateral cooperation between Albania and France at a strategic level.
The Prime Minister was accompanied on this visit by Minister Bushati. During conversations with the French authorities parties were able to confirm the special relationship between Albania and France as well as the importance of long-term cooperation between the two countries in the field of rule of law, protection and security, bilateral, regional and other wider fields as well.
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Top Turkish bank executive arrested in multimillion-dollar pro-Iran bank fraud

A senior executive at one of Turkey’s most established state-owned banks was arrested in the United States on Monday in connection with a scheme to evade trade sanctions on nuclear Iran -- ramping up political strains between the U.S. and Turkey.

Mehmet Hakan Atilla, a deputy chief executive officer at Turkiye Halk Bankasi AS, is being accused of shady dealings with Reza Zarrab, an Iranian-Turkish gold trader, to launder hundreds of millions of dollars on behalf of Iran and Iranian companies through the U.S. financial system.
It was unclear whether Atilla hired lawyers for his defense, Reuters reported.
The consequences of this arrest came at a trying time for U.S.-Turkish affairs. Turkey had been one of the West’s strongest allies in the Middle East for decades, but Zarrab’s arrest and conflicting tactics over Syria’s civil war and fallout have escalated tensions between the United States and Turkey.
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iran- Evacuation deal reached for four besieged Syria towns: Monitor

Iran and Syria's Bashar al-Assad killed at least people did not
The day the International Criminal Court as a war crime to be tried.
Beirut, AFP, 29 March 20 17 - Four Syrian towns that have been under crippling siege for more than two years are to be evacuated under a deal reached late on Tuesday, a monitoring group said.
Residents of Zabadani and Madaya, two towns near Damascus under siege by government forces, will leave their homes in return for the evacuation of Fuaa and Kafraya, two mainly Shiite towns in the northwest besieged by the rebels, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
Observatory chief Rami Abdel Rahman said the deal was brokered by rebel supporter Qatar and government ally Iran and that Islamist rebels in the northwestern province of Idlib had already signed on.
“The evacuations are not expected to begin until April 4 but, as a goodwill measure, a ceasefire for the towns came into effect overnight,” Abdel Rahman said.

iran- Arab League summit begins in Jordan with focus on Palestinian state

Divided Arab leaders are in Jordan for a summit on Wednesday seeking common ground to reaffirm their commitment to a Palestinian state, a longstanding goal that US President Donald Trump last month put into doubt.
The Dead Sea meeting is expected to have a bigger turnout than recent Arab summits, Jordanian officials say, and security forces cast a high profile in the capital Amman with armored vehicles standing at traffic junctions as leaders flew in.
Arab leaders remain united in supporting a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
“We are concerned that there should be an Arab consensus on the Palestinian file so that this reflects clearly in the discussions of Arab states and their leaders with the new American administration,” Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki told Reuters.

Monday, March 27, 2017

iran- Muslim women form human chain across London’s Westminster Bridge

Enough killing of innocent people by terrorist attacks and where not
The world wants peace and friendship, and from killing innocent people are disgusting
What ultimately will win the peace and freedom.
A group of Muslim women formed a human chain across London’s Westminster Bridge on Sunday, the scene of the UK’s recent terror attack, as a show of solidarity with victims.
The event, organized by Women’s March on London, saw the women wear blue as a symbol of hope. They held hands as Big Ben chimed.

’The feeling of what happened here on Wednesday was really strong,” Fariha Khan, 40, told the Daily Mail.

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iran- Bahrain arrests terror cell with links to IRGC, Hezbollah Brigades in Iraq

With the expansion of the Iranian regime's terrorist network in the world wants to disrupt peace and order
And intimidation to advance their wicked goals.

In this way everyone will be able to bait his own ends.
 Al Arabiya, 26 March 20 17 - Bahrain security forces have arrested a terror cell that plotted to assassinate important senior government and community figures.
The suspects were arrested on Sunday, a statement from Bahrain’s interior ministry has confirmed.
During security operations in several cities across the small Gulf island kingdom, investigations revealed that the extremist group worked under direct supervision in terms of financing, planning and implementation of attacks by two known extremists; Mortadha Majeed al-Sindi and Qassim Abdullah Ali.

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ANALYSIS: Here’s how to blueprint the most effective Iran policy

Principles and the rule of the mullahs in Iran do not adhere to any international convention.
A government that does not recognize any right for its own people and the world and is a violation of human rights ....
Al-Arabiya, 27 March 20 17 - Iran has been continuing its series of blatant measures in defiance of norms accepted as standard by the international community, all as the Trump administration continues to weigh on blacklisting the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC). Iran has gone as far as pledging to launch “roaring missiles” in response to threats. To this day, several ballistic missile launches – capable of delivering nuclear payloads – have been Tehran’s report card.
Reports also show Iran increasing its support of the Houthis in Yemen by providing “Kamikazi” drones, water and airborne, to threaten shipping lines in Bab el-Mandeb and most certainly Saudi Navy ships, as weapons analysts confirmed forces aligned with former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh are also using these weapons to target missile-defense systems used by Saudi-led coalition units.
And after harassing US warships in the Strait of Hormuz, Iran has gone as far as not only denying the entire ordeal, but also holding Washington responsible for any future face-offs in a shipping route key for international oil trade.

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Sunday, March 26, 2017

PHOTOS: Iranian militias support Assad in Damascus battle

The Iranian regime's oppression not only to people in Iran But also violated people's rights and peace and security in the world. And order breaks friendship.
Vasd Syrian regime Brsrmrdm scourges that were never in the world will not forget, as well as in Iraq and Yemen and Iran ...... everywhere and to everyone's relief.
 Al Arabiya, 24 March 20 17 - The official website of Harakat al Nujaba militia has published pictures showing the presence of its elements in the vicinity of Damascus, to support the head of the Syrian regime Bashar al Assad in his war against the Syrian opposition, which is acquiring military gains in Jubeir, Abbasin and Fares Khouri street.
Harakat al Nujaba, which adopts the ideology of Iran Supreme Leader Ali Khomeini, asserted that the images published by the elements are in the context of their presence in the “vicinity of Jubeir and Abbasin,” according to a report released Thursday.

Basij morality police: Acid attacking foot soldiers of the Iranian regime

Iranian women under oppression, repression, and .... with acid.The dictator and misogynist for women not only do not have any right،But women under a variety of pressures and limitations and put suppressed.
Al Arabiya, 24 March 20 17 - None of nature’s most vicious have an instinct for barbarism and cruelty like that of the Iranian Basij - Basij Mostazafan (mobilisation of the oppressed) – the foot soldiers of the Iranian regime.
Acting out the role of morality police, they prowl the streets of Iran enforcing a code of conduct, mercilessly hunting down any women who disobey the rules on decency set down by the country’s leading clerics, attacking those who do in the most horrendous way.
In response to women breaking these laws, which have been enforced in Iran since the 1979 revolution, whether a women is inappropriately veiled and not wearing long loose fitting clothes such as a chador in public, or is seen to be wearing lipstick, or it is just a case of a young teenage girl seen to be “fraternizing” with a lad in public, such violations are all classed by the Iranian regime’s hardliners as a sin in the spirit, or committing “indecent” behavior.

Washington sanctions 30 entities and individuals linked to Iran

The world has been aware of the lack of transparency of the Iranian regime.
Al Arabiya, 24 March 20 17 - The US administration has imposed sanctions on 30 foreign entities and individuals for transferring sensitive technology to Iran’s missile program or for violating export restrictions on the Islamic Republic, North Korea, and Syria.
The State Department announced in a statement on Friday “a group of eleven entities and individuals from China and North Korea were sanctioned for transfer of sensitive items for Iran’s ballistic missile program.”

Iran nuclear deal may ignite slow-motion Arab arms race

The Hill, March 24, 2017 - What the United Arab Emirates ambassador to Washington said earlier this week in a panel discussion on the Iranian nuclear deal should attract the administration’s appropriate attention.
Yousef al-Otaiba stated in a Carnegie conference in Washington, D.C. that the UAE is not pleased with its nuclear compact. Iran got a better nuclear deal than us, he said, and 'it continues to keep its uranium enrichment program, while we made a commitment to forgo uranium enrichment,' suggesting that others in the Middle East might want the same uranium enrichment capability Iran has.    
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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

IRAN-Leader of Iranian resistance issues list of demands to Donald Trump’s administration

By Harriet Sinclair
International Business Times, March 22, 2017
 - The leader of the Iranian resistance has sent a strong message to the new US administration: Cease relations with Iran until the country stops torture and executions.
Maryam Rajavi , the leader of the People’s Mujahedin of Iran, spoke at a gathering in the Albanian capital Tirana to mark the Persian New Year and took the opportunity to issue some demands to US President Donald Trump’s administration.
'First, make your commercial and diplomatic relations contingent on end to executions and torture in Iran,' Rajavi began.
'Second, expel the Iranian regime’s criminal and invasive forces who have infiltrated the region by taking advantage of the West’s silence and appeasement.
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iran- Maryam Rajavi: This Nowruz Harbingers End of Religious Dictatorship and Advent of the Spring of Freedom

Maryam Rajavi addressed her greeting at Nowruz celebration, the Iranian New Year , which was held at Tirana Albania with PMOI members and guests from Albania, France and United States:
Congratulations on Nowruz, the blossoming of spring and the beginning of the year 1396!
Greetings to each and every one of you freedom fighters who have established the Third Ashraf contrary to the wishes of the Velayat-e Faqih regime!
I would also like to extend my greetings from here to my dear countrymen for the beginning of the New Year.
I congratulate you, Iranian Kurds, Baluchis, Arabs and Azeris, all the colorful flowers of Iran’s garden. I greet my compatriots around the world who can hear my voice. Congratulations on Nowruz and the beginning of 1396!
May this year’s celebration harbinger the defeat of Velayat-e Faqih who has enchained Iran! May this Nowruz mark the advent of the spring of freedom and national sovereignty in Iran!
May the end of winter this year harbinger the defeat of the mullahs’ belligerence and aggression in the region, and I particularly wish for the liberation of the people of Syria from the clutches of this brutal regime.
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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Iran sends destroyer and warship to the Gulf of Aden

Iran is violating international law and peace،Endanger security in the region
And a destabilizing factor in the region.With these things it wants in world wars.
Al Arabiya, 14 March 20 17 - In a provocative move, Iran 
announced sending the “45 Group” of the Iranian Naval Force, which consists of a ship and a destroyer to the Gulf of Aden and Bab al-Mandab. The tension caused by the continued friction between the Iranian gunboats and US forces located in international waters is due to the persistent attempts of Iran to assist and provide the Yemeni militia with weapons.
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NCRI's Statements Iran: “Death to Mullahs’ Regime” and “Mullahs Must Be Killed” heard in Fire Festivities

Hello and greetings to the thousands of prisoners intrepid and fearless in the Iranian clerical regime that celebrate traditions.
Political prisoners in hall 12 of ward 4 in Karaj’s Gohardasht Prison, west of Tehran, celebrated “Fire Festivities” marking the last Tuesday night of the Iranian calendar year, expressing their hatred of the mullahs’ regime chanting “Death to Dictator” and “Death to Mullahs’ Regime”. These celebrations were held despite intense pressures and restrictions imposed by the Iranian regime. Prison authorities had also deprived the prisoners any fresh air time.
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Sunday, March 12, 2017

Trump misses an opportunity to defang Iran

Iran regime missile program must be stopped

By Jennifer Rubin 

Since former national security adviser Michael T. Flynn warned Iran that it was “on notice” for an illegal missile test and the administration issued exceptionally narrow sanctions, we have heard little — if anything — from the administration about the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Iranian aggression in the region, Iran’s human rights atrocities or much of anything else concerning the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism. Obviously unconcerned about being on “notice,” Iran this week yet again conducted a ballistic missile test. Iran’s semi-official Fars news agency reported Thursday that the country’s Revolutionary Guard successfully tested another ballistic missile, while boasting that Iran’s efforts to build a ‘better’ home-made version of the Russian S-300 missile defense system were well on their way. This follows Russia’s latest delivery of anti-missile equipment to Iran. (“Last week, Iran announced that the advanced S-300 air defense system, delivered by Russia following the July 2015 nuclear deal after years of delay, was now operational.”)
If the administration has an Iran policy different from that under President Barack Obama, it’s not evident what it might be. Michael Singh of the Washington Institute has some ideas. He recommends that we first define three policy objectives:
1. Prevent Iran from acquiring or developing nuclear weapons—or significantly advancing its ability to do so—and from proliferating nuclear weapons technology.

This is the Islam that Iran regime represents

The world’s two Islams
... Muslims’ real external problems started with Iran’s 1979 revolution, which claimed to defend Islam and Muslims, but with violence, lobbying and crowds.
Before that, Muslims were integrating with other communities in peace, while maintaining their faith and practicing their rituals. However, Tehran wanted to use Islam for its own political gain.

The ugly images of men wearing turbans, bearing political and religious slogans, and chanting “Allahu Akbar” and “Here I come O Khomeini,” are far from the image the world knew of Islam. These stained, scary faces used to hold diplomats hostage against all morals, norms and religions.
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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The Revolutionary Guards pursue Iran’s warmongering and export of terrorism

150 years of Iranian women's struggle


Suicides have been on the rise among Iranian women.  Many social ills contribute to this. However, in the case of a young woman named Mahdis, it occurred just one day after she was released from prison last January. She was a 26 year old aspiring engineer, who was taken into custody by intelligence agents on January 24. She was like a different person after being released. She was sexually abused by Iranian suppressive forces. 
Her story is similar to that of a 23-year-old political science student who took her own life after spending four months in prison.
“These heart-wrenching stories are but a small portion of the gross human rights violations committed by the religious fundamentalist rulers of Iran. Raping female prisoners is a common practice in Iran,” writes Soona Samsami, the representative in the United States for the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), in a recent article for The Hill.
 In a report recently released by Amnesty International, the Human Rights Group condemned Tehran for "heavily" suppressing "the rights to freedom of expression, association, peaceful assembly and religious belief."

What Would an Egyptian-Iranian Thaw Mean for US Foreign Policy in the Middle East?

London, 7 Mar - The Trump administration’s aggressive policy towards Iran, seeks to establish a unified front against Iranian expansionism but how will Egypt’s ever growing closeness to the Regime affect the coalition?
Haisam Hassanein, a Glazer Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, and Wesam Hassanein, a master's candidate at the School of International Service at American University, explore this in an op-ed for The Hill.
After six decades of opposition, Iran and Egypt may find themselves aligned against the rest of the Gulf states.
The Hassaneins argue that this reversal of alliances in due to Egypt’s fear of Sunni Islamism, wanting to establish itself as a regional power, and its financial crisis.