Sunday, April 30, 2017

iran- Khamenei’s favorite underperformed in Iran’s first presidential debate

We are approaching elections in Iran and the mullahs to power any other case revealed and Disclosure and have forgotten that all people are created in the blood and are responsible for this situation.Candidates debate suggests a power struggle between the regime and very well
None bear to hear another word itself was not anyone
It is interesting to hear one another tolerate those who do not claim to represent the people and government of Iran are.You look at the scene, the free elections in Iran.
Just a few days ago, hard-line cleric Ebrahim Raisi was the contender to watch in the race to unseat Iranian President Hassan Rouhani . By the weekend, his candidacy was already in doubt.
In the harsh, fast-paced politicking typical of Iran’s campaign season, Raisi's candidacy quickly foundered after his poor performance in a live television debate.
Six candidates approved by Iran’s Guardian Council, a clerical oversight body, took the stage Friday in the first of three planned debates ahead of the May 19 election.

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Thursday, April 27, 2017

iran-A new report reveals Obama misled the public about a quiet giveaway to Iran

Those who betrayed the Iranian people and cause life were dictators in Iran will never forget.Do not see the repression, imprisonment and executions in Iran.Do not see the juvenile death penalty.Is the pressure of hunger, unemployment, suicide, you do not see in Iran،And did not see much nuclear revelations.Do killings in Iran, Iraq, Syria and Yemen, and .... do not see how innocent people are killed?
The Obama White House’s high-profile prisoner swap with Iran in 2016 was a much bigger gift to Iran than the administration ever let on.
That’s the takeaway from an investigative report from Politico published Monday, which details how the Obama administration deliberately obscured and downplayed the national security threat posed by the seven Iranian-born prisoners and 14 fugitives freed as part of a deal to bring back five American prisoners held captive in Iran.
A number of them were involved in helping Iran procure lethal technology for its military, and at least one of them was accused of helping Iran procure critical equipment for the very nuclear programs the Obama administration was trying to halt with the nuclear deal it struck the year before, according to the article.

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Iran is pursuing wars in the world
 A U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyer fired a warning flare toward an Iranian Revolutionary Guard vessel coming near it in the Persian Gulf, an American official said Wednesday, the latest tense naval encounter between the two countries.
The incident happened Monday as the vessel attempted to draw closer to the USS Mahan despite the destroyer trying to turn away from it, said Lt. Ian McConnaughey, a spokesman for the Bahrain-based 5th Fleet.
The 'Mahan made several attempts to contact the Iranian vessel by bridge-to-bridge radio, issuing warning messages and twice sounding the internationally recognized danger signal of five short blasts with the ship's whistle, as well as deploying a flare to determine the Iranian vessel's intentions,' McConnaughey said in a statement to The Associated Press.
The Iranian vessel came within 1,000 meters (1,100 yards) of the Mahan during the incident, the lieutenant said. The vessel later turned and sailed away.

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Saturday, April 22, 2017

iran-Revelation of Iran Regime's Continued Secret Nuclear Activities

The Iranian regime has never been transparency in the region. While the production of nuclear bombs not to be signed with America.But it is violated and the Bomb
Iran neither the people nor the neighbors nor transparent and honest with the world is not and never will be And always lied to everyone.
Iran violating U.S. deal with secret nukes research, opposition group says
Iran is cheating on its historical deal with the U.S. by secretly conducting research into nuclear weapons components such as bomb triggers and enriched uranium, the main Iranian opposition group said Friday. Rowan Scarborough wrote in ‘The Washington Times’ on April 21, 2017.
The regime is doing engineering and weaponization testing at a walled military complex south of Tehran, a location which Iran has declared off-limits to inspectors, said the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and its main operational arm, the People’s Mujahidin of Iran (MEK).

iran-Understanding Iran’s presidential elections crisis

We have a regime that violates human rights in Iran and do not want.
Our Iranian regime's terrorist activities in the area and do not want to kill innocent people
We regimes that disturbs peace and security in the region and do not want to interfere in the affairs of neighboring countries.
The regime executed our young people and children do not want to sell and the cause of poverty and misery in Iran.
Why do people eat the right of the Iranian regime and
People must live in hunger and poverty and spend public money to terrorist activities and buy weapons to kill the people of Syria, Iraq and Yemen and ...
This regime must be dealt with firmly, should be dealt with firmly Iranian regime.
It appears Iran’s presidential elections, scheduled for May 19th, are becoming ever more complicated. The question of who might face the incumbent President Hassan Rouhani was a trending topic recently, including the significant news of Ebrahim Raisi‘s entry into the race (Raisi is a mullah very close to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei).
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Thursday, April 20, 2017

No to elections in Iran

Is it possible mood ever held captive
Is it possible to see the hungry and Azknar it passed, never
Is it possible to see and hungry street children and child labor and the oppression against the innocent heart does not hurt
I never clerical regime will not vote
I do not vote and my vote is toppled and.....
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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Eric Shawn reports: Sen. McCain urges new Iran pressure

Iran executed Why?

Iranian regime executes daily forthright and not accountable to anyone.

The Iranian authorities must urgently stop the imminent execution of two long-time death row prisoners who were children at the time of their arrest, Amnesty International said today.
One of the men, Mehdi Bahlouli, is due to be executed tomorrow morning in Karaj’s Raja’i Shahr Prison, after more than 15 years on death row. He was sentenced to death by a criminal court in Tehran in November 2001 for fatally stabbing a man during a fight. He was 17 at the time of the crime. 

The Iranian regime in collusion with Assad that the Syrian people did not Disasters!

Y do Mullahs name Syria as their 35th province?
While the US strike on the Shayrat Air Base in Syria was seen as a defiant strike against the dictator Bashar al-Assad; it was also a strike on Iran, who helped supply Syria with the chemical weapons to kill its own people.
The missile strike, on April 6, was a retaliation for thechemical attacks – widely believed to be the work of Syrian Government forces- which killed 100 people and left another 400 wounded.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Iran Ebrahim Raisi what history is and has been nominated

One hand on the youth's blood and death in 67 of the Board
And the execution of political prisoners known extravagance
  If elected president, what will scourges Srmrdm
And the government is now predictable.
President silkworm Mashhad was born in the neighborhood. After spending the first elementary school seminary courses in Mashhad and Qom in 1354 in his studies. His judicial activity in 20 years as a prosecutor in Karaj began and later also assumed the prosecution of Hamadan. In 1364 was transferred to Tehran's deputy prosecutor of the city. He is a member of "the four executions" during the execution of thousands of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience in the summer of 1367. Beginning in 1367, led by Seyyed Ali Khamenei, President Mohammad Yazdi, the Judiciary chief warrant was appointed as Tehran Prosecutor.
 In 1373, as head of the GIO chief was appointed to the position it was in 1383. From 1383 to 1393, first deputy head of the judiciary, and in the years 1393 to 1394 Persian date Esfand 1394 was the Attorney General, the Chairman's ruling Supreme Leader was appointed trustee of Astan Quds Razavi. He also special prosecutor clergy, from 1385 South Khorasan representative and board member of the Assembly of Experts and from 1376 is member of the Society of Combatant Clergy. President of Astan Quds, Saleh had been the custodian of the shrine.

Montazeri from the chairman (deputy prosecutor of Tehran) along with other members, M illuminated (Judge prison), Ali Nayeri the Tehran Prosecutor, and Mostafa Pour-Mohammadi (Ministry of Information) credited "the execution of political prisoners (summer 1367)" Name which takes several thousand prisoners who were serving their prison sentences, were killed. Name the first two Ruhollah Khomeini's decree. Ebrahim Raisi has not commented publicly on the matter. 

With the Iranian presidential election fast approaching, it is safe to say that this one will be just as much of a sham as the previous ones. Rather than the public voting for its next president, the Islamic Republic chooses candidates, and then just disregards public opinion anyway.
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Iran's Rouhani during his presidency work!

How do babies born in poverty who during his reign the people selling their claim to represent the people?
Street children and children who created it?
Who has the right people in unemployment and starvation to eat a piece of bread was forced to commit suicide?
Who for women to dress throws acid at unveiled women, but now the president himself put photos?
Who Iranian girls sold into countries?
Who addiction among young people in order to understand the spirit of the mullahs and head rest mercenaries Azkhamnh what Bsrshan earn?
Who of unemployment among young people was particularly educated?
And who has the right to market and sell Colbert workers and teachers ate?
Why are killed Colbert for a piece of bread?
Why are young people and people of Iran want freedom and democracy due to be executed?
Why drugs into the country to be executed after your people?
Why not take Mynmm country devastated by a flood and earthquake, and so many people killing
Why intervene in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and ..... you and the people they mean mess to get to your interests
And a thousand whys and mark other questions?
Ebrahim Raisi has just announced his candidacy for the Iranian election that will take place next month. He is also a possible successor to Ali Khamenei, the country’s Supreme Leader.
Earlier in the week, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - a former Iranian President – announced he would also be running for presidency, but seeing as he did so against the wishes of the Supreme Leader, it is safe to say he does not have a chance of winning. He will probably not even get past the screening carried out by the Guardian Council.
So it will probably be a race between current President, Hassan Rouhani, and Raisi. As Raisi has been identified as an ally of the Supreme Leader, Rouhani is probably going to be favoured by the West.
We will never cause misery to those who will not vote in Iran

Saturday, April 15, 2017

iran-Strategies for Putting an End to Iranian Regime's Murderous Activity

The clerical regime in Iran has no place in between his people and the people of this state do not want to.People are looking for freedom and democracy.
London, 14 Apr - Ray Takeyh, an Iranian-American Middle East scholar, Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, and former United States Department of State official, gave his opinions and assessment of the stability of Iran before the Subcommittee on National Security of the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government. He also advised what the US can do to weaken the regime and to counter its influence in the region.
He noted the similarities between Iran and the Soviet Union during the seventies. At that time, it was believed that the Soviet Union was still going strong, whereas in reality it was on the edge of collapse and it was too late for reform. He said Iran is at the same stage and its political strength is far from what it seems.
Takeyh pointed out that elections are a sham in Iran and the regime’s ideologies are outdated. He highlighted that the 2009 demonstrations led by the Green Movement is proof in itself that the people are fed up with the revolutionary values cherished by the leadership of the country. The uprising put the foundations of the regime on dangerous ground, as admitted by high-ranking officials after the fact.

Iran- Ayatollah known killer who wants to be president

Someone who has 30,000 inmates in the blood to become president of Iran.
Are you a representative of the people is the killer could never never never.
Akhund head of a criminal and we do not want him my vote .and boycotted the elections, and we collapse.
Raisi, of the “principalists” faction and considered a close confidant of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, announced his candidacy.
 A few weeks ago, 50 members of the all-clerics Assembly of Experts, the body in charge of appointing the next supreme leader, issued a letter to Khamenei calling for Raisi to become the regime’s next president. Raisi himself had informed the regime’s various factions he will participate only if he enjoys Khamenei’s blessing.

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Monday, April 10, 2017

iran-Home News Terrorism & Fundamentalism Iran: Remarks by Chair of Foreign Affairs Committee of NCRI, on Rouhani's Position on Assad's Chemical Attack on the Syrian People NCRI Iran News | Terrorism and Fundamentalism Iran: Remarks by Chair of Foreign Affairs Committee of NCRI, on Rouhani's Position on Assad's Chemical Attack on the Syrian People

Shame on you spiritual wind that both criminal fraud
Kshvrkhvdt Iran has executed innocent people and not only you but also in the region and in terrorist acts and involvement of partner you are. That day all these crimes punished by the people and the blood of innocents collar So whether you take Varbabt Khamenei, the day is not far when you will have to answer all these crimes, you're the manager Asad arms.

Mohammad Mohaddessin said: The Iranian regime’s President Hassan Rouhani’s phone call to the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad and reaffirming his full-fledged support for this war criminal is indicative of two facts:
First - The Iranian regime is fully participating in the crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide that are perpetrated in Syria.
Second - It proves that both factions of the clerical regime, which has acted as the main obstacle to the overthrow of Assad in the past six years, have total unanimity in supporting Assad and the massacre of the Syrian people. So far as it pertains to suppression and export of terrorism and extremism, there is no difference between the Iranian regime’s factions.
Bashar al-Assad, his regime’s officials as well as Khamenei, Rouhani, and the IRGC commanders who are responsible for the murder of 500,000 Syrians and displacing more than half of the population of that country, should be brought to justice. In fact they are more criminal than many of the individuals who were tried in Nuremberg.
Rouhani, who blatantly attributes the mass killing of the innocent people of Khan Sheikhoun, in particular women and children, with chemical weapons to the opposition, is the same individual who for the past 38 years has been attributing the suppression and massacre of the Iranian people to the regime’s opposition and has boasted about duping the international community over the regime’s nuclear projects.

iran- Shayrat Attack… Significant but Insufficient

In the hope that the Syrian people will prevail and peace and security to be established in Syria
Smile to the lips of the people's and children go to school and play and be happy again.
Be sure the day comes that the Syrian people do not have to leave their country and become refugees
God willing, the day will come when the people of Syria without Assad with their neighbors to live in peace and friendship.

Last week’s morning was a turning point in the US dealing with the Syrian crisis. When 59 missiles Tomahawk were launched towards Shayrat airport, this was the first direct attack by the،United States on Bashar Al-Assad regime since the beginning of the revolution six years ago.
The attack has stopped a US clinical sleep towards complications of a war that has resulted in the worst humanitarian crisis in recent history. Surely, speaking about whether the US has started practically correcting its stance is early. This might be a sole step and reaction for a massacre that was one among many committed by Assad’s regime – but it is at least a sign that the world is facing a new US administration that has done in less than four months what has not been done by the former administration in eight years.

The attack on Shayrat airbase, although it was surprising and important, is a small step in changing the field condition and ending the Syrian tragedy. Maybe, if the attack happened when Barack Obama threatened with the “red line” in 2013 and before the Russian military intervention then its influence might have been bigger – it might have contributed to supporting the opposition and putting huge pressure on Assad’s regime.

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Sunday, April 9, 2017

iran-Enforcing the redline against the use of chemical weapons

A crime that Iran, Russia and Bashar al-Assad in the Syrian people and killed thousands of innocents for their own narrow interests is never excusable. Neither the people nor forgive God. The stain on the forehead they will remain forever.
After the Trump administration’s strike on the Shayrat airfield Thursday, lawmakers, analysts, and the press are asking if the White House has a next move. Certainly it was important to signal that the use of chemical weapons is something the United States could not tolerate. As President Trump explained Thursday, it is a 'vital national security of the United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons.'

That is, the Trump administration enforced the redline against the use of chemical weapons that the previous White House ignored. Further, by citing the possible 'spread' of those unconventional arms, Trump was alluding to the organization that is the likeliest recipient of Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal—Hezbollah, Iran’s praetorian guard in the eastern Mediterranean.
Thus the strike underscored that the Trump administration’s understanding of the Syrian conflict is broader than that of its predecessor. Where the Obama White House limited its focus in the Syrian arena to an anti-ISIS campaign, Trump struck a blow against the Iranian axis. Tehran and its allies are no longer dealing with an American president eager to strike a bargain with them. The new White House has put Iranian ally Bashar al-Assad on notice. However, the 59 tomahawk missiles launched at Shayrat is perhaps best understood as a message to Russia.

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iran- Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the US strike in Syria

Killing innocent people and children with chemical weapons is a war crime and its perpetrators must be prosecuted and their account.

In response to the air strike that hit the town of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib province on 4 April 2017, with many victims displaying symptoms of gas poisoning, the EU (in its Declaration 193/17 of 6 April 2017) has been unequivocal in its condemnation of the use of chemical weapon: the use of chemical weapons or chemical substances as weapons amounts to a war crime and identified perpetrators must be held accountable for this violation of international law.
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Raeisi mullah regime's sham elections candidate of the members of boards of death in the massacre of 67.
Iran's current president cleric was involved in more than 2,000 executions so far.
The notorious Ebrahim Raisi has publicly announced that he will stand as a candidate in the sham Presidential election.
In a letter addressed to the regime's Supreme Leader Khamenei on March 22, some 50 mullahs, members of the Assembly of Experts, requested his nomination. He had told other factions that he would run for office if he had Khamenei's approval.
At the same time, Rouhani told his cohorts that he had obtained Khamenei’s approval to run.
Therefore, the two main candidates, one an executioner mullah and the other an impostor one, both claim to have Khamenei's backing and have decided to run.
They are two sides of the same coin in the religious dictatorship in committing crimes, warmongering, terrorism and plundering the nation’s wealth and should be brought to justice for genocide and crimes against humanity.
Rouhani claims to have been involved in all decision-making processes of the regime. His record as a security authority can be summarized in suppression of army staff, suppression of women under the pretext of improper veiling or not conforming to the veil, warmongering and sending children and adolescents to the minefields, suppression of the students' uprising in 1999, continuing the clandestine nuclear project and deceiving the international community.
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Monday, April 3, 2017

iran-The NCRI Women’s Committee condemns the Iranian regime’s banning of female athletes’ competition on the bogus charge of "failing to observe Islamic codes"

In an appalling measure, the clerical regime deprived five female Iranian athletes for one year from participating in all national and international tournaments for 'failing to observe Islamic codes' while participating in China’s Open billiard competitions.
This is part of the clerical regime’s policy against Iranian athletes, particularly women.

iran-GCC vows support to anti-IS fight – Iran interference hit

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Ministerial Council has affirmed the GCC constant stances and resolutions against terrorism and extremism. In the statement at the conclusion of its 142nd meeting on Thursday, the council also confirmed a continuation of the GCC support to the international coalition fighting the so-called Islamic State IS group.
The council stressed the need to protect civilians and return of the displaced people to their cities and villages. It lauded the opening of the NATO Regional Center for the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative countries in Kuwait to enhance aspects of joint coordination and cooperation in the security fields.
The council welcomed outcomes of the international conference to promote efforts of the Islamic and friendly countries against the IS terrorist organization held in Riyadh on Jan 15, 2017 and considered this conference as a commitment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to support all international efforts to combat terrorism. The council hailed an award received by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Naif bin Abdulaziz, Deputy Premier and Minister of the Interior, from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for the distinguished intelligence work in the field of combating terrorism, which is an international recognition of the Kingdom’s outstanding work in the fight against terrorism.

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iran-Perfect Timing to Raise the Tone on Iran

Khamenei thought Brvqf always meant the world to him and his com،He did not know when he revealed the true face of wrong policies.
After enjoying eight years of active appeasement, engagement and rapprochement from the U.S. under the tenure of President Barack Obama, Iran is beginning to feel the heat, significantly to say the least, in the wake of increasingly harsh remarks made by a slate of American and international correspondents. And with crucial presidential elections looming just around the corner as scheduled for May the 19th, this rise in the tone of the international community couldn’t come at a worst timing for Iran.
U.S. President Donald Trump made it clear recently of setting aside all obstacles before Bahrain purchasing F-16 warplanes. This initiative was suspended by the Obama administration and this new measure sends a clear signal to Iran, after Trump has described Iran as the main state sponsor of terror.

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Sunday, April 2, 2017

iran- Picnic in spite of the mullahs celebrate

I wish the best happiness in your day
Vnhsy the picnic Badr.
I too wish I overthrow of the mullahs in Iran and the Iranian people that the days of joy and relief
To be run by his sons and celebrate our victory
Happy Nowruz day, and every day the wind.
I wish you the best and happiest day for all.
I wish you the best and happiest day for all.